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The awareness Session, “Zero Corruption: 100% Development” organized in the Department of Public Administration, IUB

PRO No. 528/23 dated 11.12.2023
Directorate of Public Relations the Islamia University of Bahawalpur
The Department of Public Administration, School of State Sciences the Islamia University of Bahawalpur observed an International Anti-Corruption Day. The awareness Session, “Zero Corruption: 100% Development” organized in the Seminar Room of Department of Public Administration. The primary objective of this Session was to establish a crucial link between combatting corruption and its repercussions on peace, security, and development. The aim was to enhance awareness regarding the adverse effects of corruption, while also promoting ethical decision-making. Corruption, a pervasive challenge that transcends borders, imposes negative consequences on diverse aspects of society, notably affecting the most marginalized populations. It doesn't just play a role in fueling conflicts; it obstructs peace processes by eroding the foundations of the rule of law, worsening poverty, facilitating the illicit exploitation of resources, and providing financial backing for armed conflict. The session was inaugurated with the Welcome Note by Mr. Ahmed Bilal Lodhi, Lecturer Department of Public Administration & Incharge Student Affairs. He emphasized on this burning issue of the era and mentioned that corruption is not merely financial embezzlement or earning money through bribery or fraud but it means moral deterioration and the use of corrupt practices. While speaking to the seminar, Mr. Lodhi mention that corruption is a global phenomenon and one cannot single out a particular community or society to be corrupt but if an objective analysis is made of the existence and influence of corruption, a large number of developing countries or the post-colonial states certainly come under the category of corrupt or highly corrupt countries. And corruption has become a major threat to Pakistani society due to which the image of Pakistan has enormously suffered in the past few decades. District Health Education Officer, Mr. Zulqarnain Jatoi from District Health Authority Bahawalpur also graced the event and delivered a talk as a Chief Guest of the session. While talking to the gathering, he revealed, corruption has distorted the trajectory of economic development. The emphasis on addressing this issue needs to shift from a focus on 'people' to a focus on 'systems and processes.' Corruption should be recognized as a manifestation of inefficiency, stemming from inadequate process design or lapses in procedures that introduce systemic risks. He said, to eradicate menace of corruption, teach people the importance of fighting corruption, sensitize them, give them ownership and capacity to monitor and eventually this evil will go away. At the end of the session Ms. Ayesha Bibi, Lecturer Department of Public Administration & Incharge Student Affairs delivered a Vote of Thanks to respected Guest Speaker, Faculty and students of Department of Public Administration and also appreciated the visionary leadership of Director School of State Sciences Prof. Dr. Yasmin Roofi and Incharge Department of Public Administration Dr. Shahzad Ali Gill who allow all the faculty of the department to work hard and contribute to this esteemed Institution. Faculty person Dr. Dawood Nawaz, Ms Barka Khan  and Ms. Sumara Aziz also joined the session. While concluding the session Ms. Ayesha mentioned, it is essential to remember that corruption will not go away simply with a change of government. It’s important that the government comes up with a comprehensive policy which should not only be long term but also address the structural problems which lead to corruption.


DPA anti corruption session

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