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The student's societies were formed under the umbrella of Directorate of Students Affairs on the direction of the Worthy Vice Chancellor Engr. Prof. Dr. Athar Mahboob (T.I.) in November 2019. These student's societies are established to provide opportunities to students to develop their soft skills, social intelligence and leadership qualities. Students are successfully working in societies, and they are organizing events and activities in the university. These students are participating and representing university in various competitions and cocurricular activities at different levels.

More than 100 student’s societies/clubs are working under the umbrella of the Directorate of Students Affairs in the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Faculty Members and Officers are assigned to administer each society as Advisors/Co-advisors/Mentors/In charge to polish their skills and to provide them opportunities to participate in co-curricular activities in the university. Subject related Faculty level student’s societies and subject related student’s clubs are also established to engage students in organizing events/activities, promoting co-curricular activities at faculty and department level respectively. Each University level student’s society has 15 student’s office bearers and there are 07 office bearers in Faculty level & Department level societies. These students are selected annually after proper advertisement and interview process and at the end of the year/completion of tenure; societies office bearers awarded appreciation certificates. University also award IUB ROLL OF HONOUR award in 3 different categories (IUB Students Societies, IUB Sports, Co-curricular Activities) to best performer students those makes university proud on yearly basis.

Detail of IUB Students Societies and Clubs Established

University Level IUB Students Societies: 29

Sub-Campus Level IUB Students Societies: RYK 11 + BWN 11 = 22

Faculty Level IUB Students Societies: 14

Subject Related Students Clubs: More than 50

Overall IUB Students Societies/Clubs: More than 100

Schedule of IUB Students Societies for Office Bearers Selection

Call for applications advertisement                                                              November/December

Data compilation/applications scrutiny                                                        November/December

Interviews                                                                                                    November/December

List of successful candidates                                                                      November/December

Issuance of Experience/Appreciation Certificates for office bearers          December

Oath taking ceremony                                                                               January

Term Period                                                                                                1 Year (January to December)



Dr. Muhammad Adnan Bukhari

Additional DSA/Coordinator (IUB Students Societies)

Societies overview

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