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University Level IUB Students societies under the Umbrella of Directorate of Students Affairs


  1. IUB Qiraat and Naat Society
  2. IUB Debating Society
  3. IUB Literary Society
  4. IUB Scouts Group
  5. IUB Girls Guide
  6. IUB Blood Donors Society
  7. IUB Social Welfare Society
  8. IUB Animal Welfare Society
  9. IUB Climate Change Society
  10. IUB Performing Arts Society
  11. IUB Sports Promotion Society
  12. IUB Culture Promotion Society
  13. IUB Green Youth Movement Club
  14. IUB Character Building Society
  15. IUB Art and Photography Society
  16. IUB Road Safety Awareness Society
  17. IUB Digital and Social Media Society
  18. IUB Special Persons Welfare Society
  19. IUB Environmental Protection Society
  20. IUB Research & Science Promotion Society
  21. IUB Kashmir and Nazria-E-Pakistan Society
  22. IUB Skills and Career Development Society
  23. IUB Anti-Narcotics and Healthcare Society
  24. IUB Innovation and Commercialization Society
  25. IUB Interfaith Harmony and Peace Building Society

© 2023 The Islamia University of Bahawalpur iub.edu.pk.