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  1. Conservation of plant species in park that are threatened in Cholistan desert
  2. Collection and conservation of seed bank of indigenous flora (Tree, Shrub, Herb, Grasses)
  3. Establishment of nursery of all plant species through seeds and cuttings
  4. Conservation and propagation of medicinally important flora of desert
  5. Collection of plant species for herbarium establishment
  6. Monitoring of short term and long-term changes in ecology of desert region
  7. Protection and propagation of desert germplasm for various research avenues
  8. Promotion of education on biodiversity awareness and desert conservation
  9. Conservation and restoration of threatened flora and fauna in the Cholistan desert
  10. To organize the events for the promotion of biodiversity of Cholistan desert

© 2023 The Islamia University of Bahawalpur iub.edu.pk.