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The Affiliation Committee

(1) The Affiliation Committee shall consist of:-
(i) The Chairman to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
(ii) Two senior teachers to be nominated by the Academic Council (or the Vice-Chancellor till such time as the Academic Council is constituted); and
(iii)The Director of Education (Colleges) Bahawalpur Division Bahawalpur.
(iv) The Regional Director of Technical Education may be co-opted when affiliated case of a Technical, Vocational or Commerce colleges is to be considered.
(2) The term of office of the members of the Committee other than ex-officio members, shall be two years.
(3) The Affiliation Committee may co-opt not more than three experts.
(4) The quorum for a meeting of or for an inspection by the Affiliation Committee shall be three.
(5) An officer of the University to be designated by the Vice-Chancellor for this purpose shall Act as Secretary to the Committee.

Functions of the Affiliation Committee

(a) to inspect the educational institutions, seeking affiliation with, or admission to the privileges of the University and to advise the Syndicate thereon
(b) to inquire into complaints alleging breach of conditions of affiliation by affiliated colleges and to advise the Syndicate thereon; and
(c) to perform such other functions as may be prescribed by Regulations.

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