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Ehsaas Scholarship


  1. It is a paradigm shift in a policy of the Government of Pakistan to support undergraduate level students who after completing FA/FSc./Intermediate are unable to pursue university education due to limited financial resources. Unlike past financial assistance schemes that were aimed at MS or PhD programs, the Benazir Undergraduate Scholarship Project focuses on the most critical segment, namely the 4-5year undergraduate programs, which contributes the most to income of the individual who completes the bachelor’s degree
  2. The scholarship covers university tuition fee and stipend throughout four-five years of degree duration. It is a significant step to ensure affordable higher education in all major fields of education including agriculture, arts and humanities, business education, engineering, medical, physical sciences, and social sciences.
  3. The project aims to support female education therefore 50% of scholarships are reserved for the female students in the overall Project's target.
  4. To encourage physically challenged students, 2% of the scholarships are reserved for them.
  5. It is a vibrant program which will facilitate creation of the competent workforce thus enhancing employability factors in youth.
  6. It foresees to create drive for education among those students who have discontinued studies due to limited financial issues.
  7. By targeting most vulnerable segment of young population through this initiative, poorer households would be enabled to come out of poverty, which in a long run expected to have positive impact on individuals, their families and the community.


Scholarships are offered for:

  1. Newly admitted students of Fall 2021 session in HEC recognized public sector university
  2. Students fulfilling criteria of need and provide authentic information required under the Project's policy.
  3. Admissions secured on merit only. Merit means that the student has fulfilled the admission criteria of the institution in which he/she intends to study.
  4. Degree programs allowed by the HEC.
  5. Age limit set by institution's regulations, i.e. the maximum age of the eligibility for the scholarship is the same as the maximum age for applying for admission in undergraduate programs at the HEI.
  6. Ineligibility Conditions:
  7. A student is ineligible for the scholarship if found
  8. Availing any other scholarship or continuous grant
  9. Enrolled in distant learning programs and affiliated colleges (both public/private )
  10. Secured admission on self-sustain/ self-support/ self-finance basis, or in evening programs with higher fee structures
  11. Students of two-year post-higher secondary or equivalent programmes, two-year associate degree programmes, Master's and the nomenclature of BA/BSc programmes are not eligible for Ehsaas Scholarship
  12. Students holding associate degrees, if newly enrolled in lateral undergraduate degree program i.e. 5th Semester are also ineligible.

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