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  • Effective implementation of internal quality assurance framework in the IUB, aligned with HEC policy, to enhance and maintain standards of teaching and research in each subject area.
  • Providing feedback to the university decision making bodies, faculty, and administration to initiate action plans for improvement of academic programs and standards of teaching and research at the IUB.
  • Establishing an effective Self-Assessment and feedback system for each program being offered at the IUB.
  • Ensuring that all university programs meet minimum requirements set by HEC/accreditation councils.
  • Ensuring arrangement of activities for student development to provide them right knowledge, skills and attitude required to enter the market well prepared.
  • Ensuring arrangement of activities for faculty development for their capacity building in teaching and research.
  • Development and implementation of quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation to affirm that standards of awards are being maintained.
  • Promoting collaborations with local and international institutions to enhance quality of teaching and research at the IUB.


  • Coordinating with HEC/QAA to ensure implementation of quality assurance policies at IUB.
  • Representing QAA at different decision-making bodies and forums at IUB.
  • Collection of information and statistics for internal assessment and university ranking agencies.
  • Review of degree programs to ensure the implementation of minimum quality standards set by HEC.
  • Facilitating teaching departments in completing their Self-Assessment framework and preparing self-assessment reports for each program.
  • Working with each department to prepare and execute implantation plan for improvement of academic standards. 
  • Annual evaluation including program, faculty, and student's perception.
  • Review of academic affiliations and develop qualification framework.
  • Develop program specifications and quality assurance processes.
  • Develop and evaluate department, employer, and institutional assessment.
  • Arranging activates for faculty/staff and student development.
  • Coordinating with national and international ranking agencies to represent the IUB in rankings.
  • Collaborating with local and international quality assurance institutions.

© 2023 The Islamia University of Bahawalpur iub.edu.pk.