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8th International Conference of Pakistan Phytopathological Society – 2nd Pre Conference Mentoring Program

📢 Join us for an exciting opportunity to boost your career in Plant Pathology!

Organized by: Department of Plant Pathology IUB, Pakistan Phytopathological Society (PPS) & Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Venue: Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, The Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan

What is the Mentoring Program?
Are you an early career plant pathologist or know someone who is? This program is designed to empower you with knowledge and connect you with experts in the field. Here's what you can expect:

- Presentation of ongoing work & challenges
- Exploring the history and current trends in Plant Pathology
- Capacity building and emerging opportunities
- Networking for scientific knowledge sharing
- Research ethics and collaboration
- Communicating science to media & the public
- Lab visits and inspiring talks by senior pathologists

Expected Outcomes
This program aims to empower early and mid-career plant pathologists, promoting their professional growth and overcoming research barriers. It's a unique opportunity to network with experts, gain deeper knowledge, and enhance your impact on international agricultural research.

Who's Eligible?
- Early-career plant pathologists from public sector units in Pakistan
- Must be a lifetime/regular/student member of Pakistan Phytopathological Society
- 50% seats reserved for female candidates

Registration Fee
There is NO registration fee! Thanks to ACIAR, this program is fully funded.

What Can Participants Receive Funding For?
ACIAR is generously covering your expenses, including return tickets, program registration, accommodation, meals, and local travel during the workshop and 8th International Conference of Pakistan Phytopathological Society (8ICPPS).

Application Process
Apply online on Pakistan Phytopathological Society's website by November 15, 2023. Don't forget to submit your CV and a recommendation letter from your supervisor via email to info@pakps.com.

Key Dates
- October 30, 2023: PPS-ACIAR Call opens
- November 15, 2023: Call closes
- November 18, 2023: Notification to selected candidates
- November 20, 2023: Acceptance and confirmation of selected candidates
- November 22, 2023: Needs assessment and pre-course
- November 23, 2023: Program orientation
- November 25, 2023: Program launch

Post-workshop Report
Every participant is expected to submit a one-page report on their learning outcomes. This will be presented at the concluding session and submitted for a successful completion certificate.

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to advance your career and contribute to international agricultural research!


WhatsApp Image 2023-10-31 at 7.39.44 AMWhatsApp Image 2023-10-31 at 7.39.46 AM



For more details and to apply, visit:   https://pakps.com/8icpps/mentoring/


Click this link to follow our WhatsApp channel:   https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaDJVsIDJ6H5Q7Ccco0r



Template for conference brochure is available for editing online. We all can work online to edit and make it final


https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Mz8aoYeB0uaQUvvld0d-IqYnFh0qatb/edit usp=sharing&ouid=111945826825604085183&rtpof=true&sd=true



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