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Prof. Dr. Altaf Hussain
  • Prof. Dr. Altaf Hussain

  • Professor | Director Institute of Physics | Chairman
    Ph.D., Post Doctorate (USA)
  •  https://www.iub.edu.pk/author/Altaf.Hussain


Phone:0321-6823467 +92 347 3510010
Address:Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus, Institute of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Research Interests

My research interest lies in Simulation of Layered Carbides and Nitrides, Metals and Metal Oxides, Intermetallic and Binary alloys, Heusler alloys (Ternary and Quaternary), Ceramics, Mullites, Dielectric Materials, Magnetic Materials Characterization for variety of applications such as: Memory devices, Data Storage Devices, Multi-layer Chip Inductors, High Frequency Devices etc.

Awards and Honors

  1. Post-Doctoral Position (March 06, 2013 to March 05, 2014) at University of Missouri-Kansas City, MO, USA.
  2. Best Poster Award & Cash Prize at 57th Midwest Solid State Conference, KU, USA.
  3. Research Incentive Awarded from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur for the research papers published in 2020.
  4. Research Incentive Awarded from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur for the research papers published in 2019.
  5. Research Incentive Awarded from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur for the research papers published in 2018.
  6. Research Incentive Awarded from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur for the research papers published in 2017.
  7. Research Incentive Awarded from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur for the research papers published in 2016.
  8. Research Incentive Awarded from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur for the research papers published in 2015.
  9. Research Incentive Awarded from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur for the research papers published in 2014.
  10. HEC fellowship under International Research Support Initiative Program (IRSIP) to USA, University of Missouri-Kansas City, MO February 2008-November 2007.
  11. PhD Scholarship under Indigenous-5000 Ph.D. Fellowship Program of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. 
  12. Secured 3rd position overall at M.Sc. level (1998-2000).


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International: 64


Institute of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan

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