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Dr. Kashif Hussain Memon
  • Dr. Kashif Hussain Memon

  • Associate Professor
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Kashif Hussain Memon is working as an Associate Professor (HoD) in Computer Systems Engineering. He received the B.E. degree in software engineering, M.E. degree in Communication System and Networks from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology Jamshoro, Hyderabad, Pakistan in 2006 and 2008 respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree from Hanyang University, South Korea. His research interests include. .He is approved supervisor of HEC to supervise PhD scholars. He has published many refereed international journals and conference papers.

Kashif Hussain Memon is a regular reviewer of many renowned international journals with good impact factors in the related discipline.

Phone:0333-2772860 062-9255238
Address:Chairman office, The Department of Computer Systems Engineering, New Building, Faculty of Engineering

Research Interests

pattern recognition, computer vision, application of fuzzy  set theory, and clustering techniques with applications to image segmentation and content-based image retrieval

Awards and Honors

PhD Scholarship:  awarded by HEC under program of " HRD Initiative-MS Leading To Ph.D Program of Faculty Development For UESTPS (Batch-II) Phase-I”, from September 2012 to September 2016.


International: 16

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