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Dr. Abdul Ghaffar
  • Dr. Abdul Ghaffar

  • Professor
    PhD(Islamic Studies)


Dr. Abdul Ghaffar has completed his PhD in Islamic Studies from Punjab University Lahore in 2013 and Post Doctorate in 2022 from Punjab University Lahore. Dr. Abdul Ghaffar has vast experience at leading Pakistan academic institutions teaching students from various social and cultural backgrounds. Possessing excellent administrative, verbal communication and written skills along with constructive and effective teaching methods that promote a stimulating learning environment.

Phone:03334058898 0629255453
Address:Department of Islamic Studies, IUB

Research Interests

Islamic Jurisprudence , Islamic Law

Awards and Honors

Got Award from Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Pakistan on Maqālāt e Seerat   in 2013, 2015 and 2016.


  1. Abdul Ghaffar, “Harassment At Work Place, Social Effects & Islamic Remedies, In Context Of South Punjab,” Webology 19 no. 02(2022)
  2. Abdul Ghaffar, “Protection Of State’s Honor And Peace: In The Light Of Islamic Teachings,” Webology 19 no.01(2022) 
  3. Abdul Ghaffar, “Attendance of Women in Mosques in the Perspectives of basic Sources of Islamic law and Current Era,” IRJIS 03 no.02 (2021)
  4. Abdul Ghaffar, “An analytical study of the fundamental rights for consumers proposed by the United Nations in the light of Islamic law,” Al Khadim Research journal of Islamic culture and Civilization 02 no.01 (2021) 71-86.
  5. Abdul Ghaffar, “Sarmayadarana Nizaam ki Taqdeemi Asaas our Asri Manwiyyat,” Al-Ilm 05 no. 01 (2021) 257-278.
  6. Abdul Ghaffar, “An Analytical Study of Tafsiri Patterns of Sheikh Wahba al-Zuhieli in the Light of al-Tafsir-ul-Munir,” IRJIS 03 no.1 (2021) 72-81.
  7. Abdul Ghaffar, “Jurisprudential Discourses on the Punishment of Theft and their Contemporary Applications: A Study in Context of “al-Muḥallā” and “al-Hidāyah”,” Al-Qamar 04 no 01(2021) 21-32.
  8. Abdul Ghaffar, “Domain of Ijtihad and Bida’h and Responsibility of contemporary Islamic Jurists,” Al-Basirah 09 no 02 (2020) 55-75.
  9. Abdul Ghaffar, “The Nature of Capitalism and its Impact on Universal Politics,” Al-Adwā 35 no.53 (2020) 93-106.
  10. Abdul Ghaffar, “Sirāt al-Jinān fī Tafsīr al-Quran": An Overview,” Al-Qamar 03 no.01 (2020) 95-102.
  11. Abdul Ghaffar, “Analytical Study of Narrations about Excrement of the Prophet (peace be upon him),” Afkār 04 no.01 (2020) 01-18.
  12. Abdul Ghaffar, “Mediation in the Perspective of Islamic and Manmade Laws,” Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research 20 no.02 (2019)73-86.
  13. Abdul Ghaffar, “Human Dignity in the Perspective of Seertul Nabi and Current Era,” Al-Qalam 24 no.01 (2019) 489-504.
  14. Abdul Ghaffar, “Guiding principles of national leadership in the context of Texts of Sharia and the Present Era,” IRJIS 01 no.01 (2019) 01-26.
  15. Abdul Ghaffar, “Jurisprudential issues related to Zakāh and their application in Modern times:  A comparative study of “al-Muḥallā” and “al-Hidāyah”,” Al-Qamar 01 no. 02 (2018) 57-68.
  16. Abdul Ghaffar, “Attributes and characteristics of the seal of Prophethood,” Jihat-Ul-Islam 11 no.02 (2018) 199-214.
  17. Abdul Ghaffar, “Principles and ways to Discipline the Public of an Islamic State (In the light of Prophet’s (S.A.W) Teachings),) Abḥāth 02 no. 08 (2017) 77-105.
  18. Abdul Ghaffar, “Review of the current democratic system in Pakistan (in the light of Islamic teachings and the ideas of Iqbal and Quaid),” Zia-e-Tahqeeq 07 no.13 (2017) 114-133.
  19. Abdul Ghaffar, “Analytical study of the books Al-Ishbah Al-Nazair and their scientific and modern significance,” Jihat-Ul-Islam 10 no.02 (2017) 91-106.
  20. Abdul Ghaffar, “Effectiveness of Shariah objectives in social reform and promotion of unity of the Ummah,” Al-Adwā 32 no.47 (2017) 57-80.
  21. Abdul Ghaffar, “Government and judicial powers, difficulties and solutions in the implementation of Shariah punishments,” Jihat-Ul-Islam 10 no.01 (2016) 51-68.
  22. Abdul Ghaffar, “A Study of psycho-social and cultural factors leading towards DIVORCE in Muslim Society,” Zia-e-Tahqeeq 06 no.11 (2016) 05-25.
  23. Abdul Ghaffar, “The importance of Shari'ah goals for mujtahids and non-mujtahids,” Hazara Islamicus 05 no. 01(2016) 81-91.
  24. Abdul Ghaffar, “The role and responsibilities of the media - in the light of the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him),” Al-Ayyam 07 no.01 (2016) 137-143.
  25. Abdul Ghaffar, “Responsible use of positions and resources in the light of the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him),” Zia-e-Tahqeeq 05 no. 09 (2015) 72-100.
  26. Abdul Ghaffar, “An overview of some important economic issues in the context of Islam and the present,” Ulūm-e-Islāmia 20 no.01 (2015) 91-121.
  27. Abdul Ghaffar, “Some important social issues in the light of Sharia Objectives,” Jihat-Ul-Islam 7 no.02 (2014) 141-171.
  28. Abdul Ghaffar, “Observations of Shariah Objectives in Fatwas and Ijtihad Efforts,” Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research 12 no.02 (2013) 181-202.
  29. Abdul Ghaffar, “Objectives of Shariah concessions in contemporary Ijtihad endeavours,” Al-Idah 26 no. 01(2013) 202-226.
  30. Abdul Ghaffar, “The effect of rhetoric on understanding Shari'ah Objectives,” Ulūm-e-Islāmia 17 no.01 (2012) 115-141.
  31. Abdul Ghaffar, “Consideration of Expediency in Shari'ah objectives and Shari'ah Rules according to Ja'fari jurisprudence,” Al-Qalam 17 no. 01(2012) 129-154.
  32. Abdul Ghaffar, “The social status of the transgender and the rules of jurisprudence,” Jihat-Ul-Islam 05 no. 02(2012) 77-103.
  33. Abdul Ghaffar, “Islam and Women Issues,” Al-Idah 24 no.01 (2012) 149-165.
  34. Abdul Ghaffar, “The importance of the Arabic language in understanding the Shari'ah Objectives and in inferring rules,” Ulūm-e-Islāmia 16 no. 02(2011) 76-117.
  35. Abdul Ghaffar, “The rights of persons with disabilities in the light of the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH),” Jihat-Ul-Islam 04 no.02 (2011) 99-117.
  36. Abdul Ghaffar, “The role of Sharia Objectives in legislation,” Al-Qalam 13 no. 13 (2009) 157-176.
  37. Abdul Ghaffar, “A research analysis of Tafseer Tanzeel Quran Anil Mtaain,” Jihat-Ul-Islam 02 no.02 (2009) 09-38.
  38. Abdul Ghaffar, “The diplomatic system in the era of ignorance,” Al-Qalam 12 no.12 (2008) 285-307.
  39. Abdul Ghaffar, “A glimpse about the treatment and ethics of tolerance for imams and scholars among themselves,” Al-Qalam 11 no.11 (2007) 221-235.
  40. Abdul Ghaffar, “Shari'ah Rulings on usury in Dar al-Harb,” Al-Qalam 10 no.10 (2006) 295-312.
  41. Abdul Ghaffar, “Arbitration and Tehkeem a comparison,” Al-Qalam 06 no.06 (2002) 13-27.
  42. Abdul Ghaffar, “The agency adversely,” Al-Adwā 11 no.16 (2001) 81-91.

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