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Dr. Anees ul Husnain Husnain
  • Dr. Anees ul Husnain Husnain

  • Assistant Professor
    M.Sc. Computer Engineering
  •  anees.buzdar


Anees ul Husnain is currently enrolled at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur to peruse his PhD on Autonomous Systems at Department of Electrical Engineering. His PhD is sponsored by Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan and supported by The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB). He received his bachelor’s degree in Computer Systems Engineering from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (2009) and master’s in computer engineering from University of Taxila (2012), specialized in control systems.

Address:House No. 5B, Khursheed Town, Bahawalpur

Research Interests

His interest includes autonomous flight systems for UAVs, utilization of machine learning as an alternate to conventional control systems and research on machine learning improvements.

Awards and Honors

  1. PhD Scholarship Award under HEC HRDI UESTP Scholarship 2016: Awarded by HEC Pakistan
  2. Founder and Interim Chair for IEEE Bahawalpur Sub Section: IEEE Bahawalpur Sub Section was established 2018 that covered all IEEE units in south Punjab region.
  3. Outstanding Student Branch Counselor Award 2015: Awarded by IEEE, USA as an appreciation to the services under IEEE as Branch Counselor from 2013 to 2018 for IEEE UCET IUB, Student Branch.
  4. Outstanding Talent Scholarship: Awarded by Punjab Information and Technology Board (PITB) in 2008


The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, IEEE Bahawalpur Sub Section, IEEE UCET IUB Student Branch

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