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Dr. Azhar Hussain
  • Dr. Azhar Hussain

  • Associate Professor
    PhD Soil Science
  • azharhaseen@gmail.com
  • 0092-321-6814625

Profile Summary

Dr. Azhar Hussain, PhD Soil Science 2015 (Soil and Environmental Microbiology),

(Teacher / Researcher / Administrator)

He is basically belongs to Bahawalpur, Pakistan born on January 03, 1990. Dr. Azhar is working as Associate Professor BPS-20 in the Department of Soil Science, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Dr. Azhar was the one of the youngest PhD of the country (PhD completion 25 years and 10 month of age) and also got appreciation letter from the worthy Vice Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad for completion of PhD degree in short duration. He has completed PhD under the supervision of famous internationally reputed soil microbiologist Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad (Tamgha e Imtiaz, Distinguished National Professor).

Teaching / Research :

Dr. Azhar joined in 2015 as Assistant Professor in Department of Soil Science, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan and promoted/appointed as Associate Professor BPS-20 in March 2022 Department of Soil Science, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

Administrative Assignments:

Along with the teaching assignments Dr. Azhar is actively engaged in administrative assignments at university level in the Islamia University of Bahawalpur as he is served/serving on various positions in different directorates from 2015 to 2024 at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur time to time as

1. Director Students Affairs,

2. Director Alumni Affairs,

3. Senior Tutor,

4. Additional Director Students Affairs (Students Societies),

5. Deputy Director Students Affairs,

6. Deputy Director Students Affairs (Students Societies),

7. Coordinator IUB Students Societies, and 

8. Coordinator Water Management Degree programs.

He has also lead various research projects as Principal Investigator, Team Leader, Co-Principal Investigator, Team Member, Incharge Laboratory and Team Scientist. 

Awards and Appreciations: He is appreciated several time by the various organization/institutes.

I. Youngest Pakistani PhD (Completed degree at 25 years and 10 months age) (Declared by the “The Nation, 19, 08, 2016”) nation.com.pk/19-Aug-2016/youngest-pakistani-phd

II. Appreciation letter with cash prize for completion of PhD within six semesters (less than 3 years) from Worthy Vice Chancellor, University of Agriculture Faisalabad.

III. Agricultural Youth Award 2020-21 (Dr. Qadir Bux Balouch Research and Employee of the year 2020-21) awarded by National Agricultural Youth Commission, Islamabad.

IV. Governor Punjab Chancellor IUB Engr. M. Baligh ur Rehman & Engr. Prof. Dr. Athar Mahboob (T.I.) Vice Chancellor the Islamia University of Bahawalpur awarded appreciation shield for establishment of 175 students societies & students clubs at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur June 25, 2022

V. Awarded/Won 7 different research Projects of 22.231 million rupees from Govt. funding agencies at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur

VI. Declared Prominent Researcher of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur for the year 2020 among TTS faculty based on publications (Research 1 lac Cash and 2 performance base increments for one year only).


As teacher Dr. Azhar is engaged in teaching different undergraduate & Postgraduate related to Soil Science, Soil and Environmental Microbiology. He is supervising BS, MS and PhD scholars and more than 90 has completed (BS, MS and PhD) their degrees under his supervision. 

Research Grants/Publication:

In research, Dr. Azhar has won 7 projects (5 as Principal Investigator and 2 as Co-PI/Team Member) of funding more than 20 million rupees. Dr. Azhar Hussain has published more than 80 international paper (Research paper, Review Papers & Book Chapters) having 35%  are 1st Author or Corresponding author with an impact factor of more than 200.

Detail Research Domains:

Agriculture & Soil Science / Soil and Environmental Microbiology / Bio-activated Zinc Coated Urea / Biofertilizers / Biofortification / Composting / Plant Health and Nutrition’s / Waste Management / Bioremediation / Environmental Pollution / Environment / Climate Change / Water / Research Projects Management

Detail Administration Domains at University Level:

Research Projects Management / Academics / Alumni Affairs / Students Affairs / Students Societies / Career Counseling / Social Media Management / Events Managements / Project Management / Admissions / Quality Enhancement / Advance Studies / Cultural Events

Salient Assignment Completed/Achievements:

1. As a In-Charge: Establishment of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad T.I., DNP Soil and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory at Department of Soil Science, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur through academia industry linkages funded by The First Biotech LLC   Lahore.  (Completed 24-06-2022 to 27-03-2023).

2. Role in upgradation of Soil Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Soil Science, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur 2015-2023.

3. Established more than 50 identified bacterial strains bank having multiple characters strains in Soil Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Soil Science, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur.

4. As a Deputy Director, Additional and Director time to time 2019-2023 in Directorate of Students Affairs the Islamia University of Bahawalpur established 173 student’s societies, cocurricular activities network, upgradation of Directorate of Students Affairs and taken various other initiatives.  Governor Punjab Province & Chancellor IUB Engr. M. Baligh ur Rehman & Engr. Prof. Dr. Athar Mahboob (T.I.) Vice Chancellor the Islamia University of Bahawalpur awarded appreciation shield for establishment of 175 students societies & students clubs at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur June 25, 2022. (2019-2023).

5. As a Director Alumni Affairs the Islamia University of Bahawalpur 2021-2023 established IUB Alumni Netwrok online portal and registered 25000 alumni within 2 years, published IUB Alumni Newsletter annually, Establishment of IUB Alumni Chapter program at Country Level / city level / Department level and faculty level, Started IUB Alumni Mentorship Program, Started IUB Alumni Award, Started IUB Alumni Scholarship Program. IUB Alumni Meeting/get-together at Department level and city level, Established IUB Alumni Network social media pages and taken various other initiatives.

6. Role to propose and established Directorate of Academics in the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan (2020).

7. Worked as event founding coordinator and successfully organized “Bahawalpur Literary and Cultural Festival (BLFC 2020, BLFC 2021, BLFC 2023) at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

8. Served / Serving in various the Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan committee as a Member / Secretary / Chairman for different policy making task time to time.

9. Served / Serving in various department level / Faculty level / University committees as a Member / Secretary / Chairman.


MSc Hons  2010-12 & PhD 2012-15, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan

B.Sc Hons 2006-10, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur-Pakistan

FSc 2004-06, Govt. Sadiq Ejerton (S.E.) College Bahawalpur-Pakistan

Matriculation 2002-04, Government Secondary School (QaimPur) Bahawalpur-Pakistan

Co-curricular activities: 

When Dr. Azhar was a student he involved in co-curricular activities and remained as selected President, Vice president and General Secretary of official student society SESSS at University of Agriculture Faisalabad for 3 years. He also worked as All Pakistan Student Councilor in “Soil Science Society of Pakistan”. He involved in organizing national/international events/activities.


DegreeBoard/UniversityYear of Passing
SSCBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Bahawalpur2004-07-01
FSc Pre-MedBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Bahawalpur2006-08-01
Bachelors (16 Years) BSc(Hons) Agriculture (Soil Science)Islamia University, Bahawalpur2010-08-20
M.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture Soil ScienceUniversity of Agriculture, Faisalabad2012-08-15
PhD Soil ScienceUniversity of Agriculture Faislabad2015-10-28


Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Soil Science The Islamia University of Bahawalpur6 Years 3 Months 22 Days
Associate Professor BPS 20Department of Soil Science, The Islamia University of BahawalpurMarch, 2022 - Present


Efficiency of various formulations of urea coated with bioaugmented (Bacillus sp.) ZnO to improve growth, yield and Zn contents of wheat grains
Upload file contains all publications
Exopolysaccharides and indole-3-acetic acid producing Bacillus safensis strain FN13 potential candidate for phytostabilization of heavy metals
Integrated Application of Organic Amendments with Alcaligenes sp. AZ9 Improves Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Maize (Zea mays)
Production and Implication of Bio-Activated Organic Fertilizer Enriched with Zinc-Solubilizing Bacteria to Boost up Maize (Zea mays L.) Production and Biofortification under Two Cropping Seasons
Integrating the potential of Bacillus sp. AZ6 and organic waste for zinc oxide bio-activation to improve growth, yield and zinc content of maize grains
Integrated use of phosphate-solubilizing Bacillus subtilis strain IA6 and zinc-solubilizing Bacillus sp. strain IA16: a promising approach for improving cotton growth
Potential of exopolysaccharides producing-lead tolerant Bacillus strains for improving spinach growth under lead stress
Cadmium mediated phytotoxic impacts in Brassica napus: Managing growth
Impact of Coating of Urea with Bacillus-Augmented Zinc Oxide on Wheat Grown under Salinity Stress
Evaluating Biochar-Microbe Synergies for Improved Growth
Potential of zinc solubilizing bacillus strains to improve rice growth under axenic conditions
Potential of phytohormone producing rhizobacteria to improve growth, SPAD value and Cd uptake of mustard under Cd stress
Growth response of wheat and associated weeds to plant antagonistic rhizobacteria and fungi
Appraising Endophyte\textendashPlant Symbiosis for Improved Growth
Exploring the potential of four medicinal plants for antioxidant enzymes activity
Impact of integrated use of enriched compost
Influence of biochar amendment and foliar application of iron oxide nanoparticles on growth
Potential of phosphate solubilizing bacillus strains for improving growth and nutrient uptake in mungbean and maize crops.
Combined use of Enterobacter sp. MN17 and zeolite reverts the adverse effects of cadmium on growth
Bioremediation of tannery effluent by Cr- and salt-tolerant bacterial strains
Zinc solubilizing Bacillus sp. ZM20 and Bacillus aryabhattai ZM31 promoted the productivity in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Thermodynamic and kinetics study of phosphonium-based cellulose acetate supported ionic liquid membrane: wastewater treatment
Compost enriched with ZnO and Zn-solubilising bacteria improves yield and Zn-fortification in flooded rice
Preliminary study on phosphate solubilizingBacillus subtilisstrain Q3 andPaenibacillussp. strain Q6 for improving cotton growth under alkaline conditions
Biodiesel production from algae grown on food industry wastewater
Inducing salinity tolerance in red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) through exogenous application of proline and L-tryptophan
Effects of 1-Methylcyclopropene on Rice Growth Characteristics and Superior and Inferior Spikelet Development Under Salt Stress
Bioremediation of heavy metal stress by Rhizobium chickpea symbiosis.
Comparative efficacy of KCl blended composts and sole application of KCl or K2SO4 in improving K nutrition
Impact of integrated application of biochar and nitrogen fertilizers on maize growth and nitrogen recovery in alkaline calcareous soil
Comparison of rhizosphere properties as affected by different Bt- and non-Bt-cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes and fertilization
Bacterial impregnation of mineral fertilizers improves yield and nutrient use efficiency of wheat
Simultaneous use of plant growth promoting rhizobacterium and nitrogenous fertilizers may help in promoting growth
Effect of textile wastewater on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Effectiveness of multi-strain biofertilizer in combination with organic sources for improving the productivity of chickpea in drought ecology
Screening of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes against salinity stress.
Impact of integrated use of inorganic phosphorus and farm yard manure for improving growth of maize (Zea mays L.) under desert climate of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Response of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) to soil and foliar applied L-tryptophan
Production of algal biomass using different dilutions of textile effluent wastewater
Combining textile effluent wastewater with organic fertilizer for improved growth and productivity of wheat and soil health
Prospects of zinc solubilizing bacteria for enhancing growth of maize
Response of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) to soil and foliar application of L-methionine
Potassium fertilization influences growth, physiology and nutrients uptake of maize (Zea mays L.)
Tillage and nitrogen fertilization impact on irrigated corn yields and soil chemical and physical properties under semi-arid climate. .
Effect of ethylene on growth, nodulation, early flower induction and yield in mungbean
A Review on Practical Application and Potentials of Phytohormone-Producing Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria for Inducing Heavy Metal Tolerance in Crops
Biosurfactants-Biochar Facilitated Bioremediation of Metal Contaminated Sites: A New era of Sustainable Development. North American Academic Research
Role of biochar and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to enhance soil carbon sequestration\textemdasha review
Perspectives of Microbial Inoculation for Sustainable Development and Environmental Management
Zinc biofortification of cereals through fertilizers: Recent advances and future perspectives
Comparative effectiveness of SOP and MOP for crop productivity in Pakistani soils - A review
Improving Resilience Against Drought Stress Among Crop Plants Through Inoculation of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria
Environmental and Health Effects of Pesticide Residues
Chemical Fertilizers
Application Potentials of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Fungi as an Alternative to Conventional Weed Control Methods
Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria for Zinc Biofortification in Cereals: A Step Toward Sustainable Nutritional Security
Agrochemicals and Soil Microbes: Interaction for Soil Health
“Abstracts 2nd International Salinity Conference (ISC- 28-30, April 2019)”.
Abstracts 1st International Salinity Conference (ISC- 19-21, December 2016)


As Principal Investigator, Impact of integrated application of enriched compost, biochar and humic acid on water retention/bioavailability and microbial dynamics in soil. (SRGP-HEC, 21-842/2016)

2016-02 - 2018-04

Associated With: Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan

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As a Principal Investigator: HEC funded project # 842 entitled “Impact of integrated application of enriched compost, biochar and humic acid on water retention/bioavailability and microbial dynamics in soil”. Funded by Start-up Research Grant Program (SRGP), Higher Education Commission of Pakistan 2016-17. (Completed on May 2018).

As a Principal Investigator, “Optimization of carrier material for bio-inoculant to enhance vegetable crops growth and yield. (ORIC-IUB, 3911 / ORIC / IUB / 2021).

2021-03 - 2022-06

Associated With: ORIC, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan, ORIC, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

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As a Principal Investigator: IUB ORIC funded research grant 2020 entitled “Optimization of carrier material for bio-inoculant to enhance vegetable crops growth and yield”. Funded by the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. (Completed 18-06-2021 to 17-06-2022)

As Principal Investigator, Formulation of bioactive iron-enriched compost and variant for improving yield and quality of cereals. (NRPU, HEC, 20-15551)

2022-05 - 2026-01

Associated With: Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan

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As a Principal Investigator: NRPU-HEC funded Research Project “Formulation of bioactive iron-enriched compost and variant for improving yield and quality of cereals”. (Continue 21-06-2023)

As Team Leader (IUB Component), Preparation and commercialization of coated micronutrients and control release fertilizers for improving yield and quality of crops. (PARB, 20-419).

2021-09 - 2024-09

Associated With: Punjab Agricultural Research Board (PARB), Govt. of Punjab, Pakistan

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As a Team Leader/Principle Investigator: PARB funded project No. 20-419 entitled “Preparation and commercialization of coated micronutrients and control release fertilizers for improving yield and quality of crops”. Funded by Punjab Agriculture Research Board (PARB). (Continue 01-10-2021)

As Incharge, Establishment of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad T.I., DNP Soil and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory at Department of Soil Science, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur (Laboratory Grey structured funded by The First Biotech LLB Lahore)

2022-06 - 2023-03

Associated With: The First Biotech LLB Lahore. (Academia Industrial Linkages)

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As a In-Charge: Establishment of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad T.I., DNP Soil and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory at Department of Soil Science, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. The Lab Grey Structure Funded by The First Biotech LLC Lahore. (Completed 24-06-2022 to 27-03-2023)

As Team Member, Evaluation of novel inoculants of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for biofortification of cereals. Funded by Endowment Fund Secretariat, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

2017-01 - 2018-12

Associated With: Endowment Fund, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan

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As Team member: Evaluation of Novel Inoculants of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Biofortification of Cereals. Funded by Endowment Fund Secretariat, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. (Completed 01-01-2017 to 31-12-2018)

As Team Member, Formulation and evaluation of enriched compost with ZnO and zinc solubilizing bacteria for improving yield and quality of cereals. (NRPU-HEC, 6292 / Punjab /NRPU/R&D/HEC/2016)

2017-04 - 2022-10

Associated With: Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan

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As Team member: HEC funded project # 6292 entitled “Formulation and evaluation of enriched compost with ZnO and zinc solubilizing bacteria for improving yield and quality of cereals”. Funded by “National Research Program for Universities (NRPU), Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. (Completed 14-04-2017 to 20-10-2022)

As a Research Associate under Project Manager Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad Tamgh I Imtiaz / Distinguished National Professor; 5 years PARB Funded Project entitled “Utilizing Bacterial ACC-Deaminase Biotechnology to Enhance Water Use Efficiency for Sustainabl

2010-01 - 2015-09

Associated With: Punjab Agricultural Research Board (PARB), Govt. of Punjab, Pakistan

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As a Research Associate under Project Manager Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad Tamgh I Imtiaz / Distinguished National Professor; 5 years PARB Funded Project entitled “Utilizing Bacterial ACC-Deaminase Biotechnology to Enhance Water Use Efficiency for Sustainable Production of Cereals” at Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan (2010-2015)

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