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Dr. Faisal Mukhtar
  • Dr. Faisal Mukhtar

  • Lecturer (Study Leave)
    PhD Physics (Semiconductor and Nanotechnology)
  •  https://twitter.com/FaisalM95627862
  •  https://join.skype.com/invite/vx7iMTLgW6QF
  •  https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-faisal-mukhtar-482883137/


Dr. Faisal Mukhtar joined the Institute of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB), Pakistan in April 2022 as a Lecturer in Physics. Prior to joining The Islamia University of Bahawalpur he studied for his PhD degree in Physics at the The Islamia University under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Faisal Iqbal in 2021, where his thesis was entitled "Synthesis, Structural, Optical, and Electric Properties of Mixed Metal Oxides Nano-composites and their Applications". During his PhD work, Dr. Faisal Mukhtar worked on optical, environmental, biomedical, energy conversion, and storage devices applications and published several articles in different peer-reviewed international journals. In addition to the above, he has been awarded the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree from Centre of excellence in Solid state Physics, The University of Punjab Lahore.

Phone:+9206229255462 +923016853346
Secondary Email:fmukhtar86@gmail.com
Address:Institute of Physics, Baghdad ul Jadeed campus, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

Research Interests

Dr. Faisal Mukhtar’s research focuses on the synthesis, development of well-defined Metal oxide nanoparticles and nanocomposite systems, including polymers, carbon based materials like Grephene oxide (GO), Reduced Grephene oxide (RGO), fullerene (C60) and their broad applications for optical, electrical, environmental, biomedical, energy conversion, and storage devices.  Moreover, he also has four-year of experience operating material characterization tools including XRD, FTIR, RAMAN, PL, UV-Vis, IV, SEM, EDX, Electrochemical workstations. Dr. Faisal Mukhtar has hands-on experience in nanomaterial/semiconductor synthesis techniques, including sol-gel, co-precipitation, hydrothermal, micro-emulsion, wet-chemical, auto-combustion, thermal evaporation, and solid-state methods

Awards and Honors

  1. Merit scholarship in M.Sc Physics for Third position in 1st and 2nd semester.
  2. Founder of Qadeer Science Society in Govt. High school No.1 Hasilpur, Bahawalpur.
  3. Master trainer of Inclusive Education at district level 2015 (Punjab School Education Department).
  4. District Subject Expert Physics in Lodhran, 2017- March 2022 (Punjab School Education Department).
  5. Member of selection committee of Subject Expert Physics in Lodhran (2019).
  6. Tutor, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad (2014 to until now).
  7. Doctor of Electro Homeopathy (Homeopathy council Islamabad, Pakistan).
  8. Assistant Pharmacist (Punjab pharmacy council, Lahore).
  9. The Pakistan Institute of Physics Conference Feb, 2008 at. University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan (Participant).
  10. 5th International Conference on Semiconductor materials & Nano-devices at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan (ICSMAND-2017) (Organizer).
  11. 6th International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Nano-Devices at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan (ICSMAND-2018) (Organizer).
  12. 5th conference on Frontiers of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at PINSTECH, Islamabad on September 24-25, 2019 (Participant).
  13. First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, May 23-24, 2022 (Organizer, speaker).
  14. International Conference on Recent Trends in Natural Sciences (RTNS) University of Education, Lahore Jauharabad Campus, June 1-2, 2022 (Invited speaker).
  15. Member of The Khwarzimi Science Society (KSS), Zakaryian Alumni Association of Physicists (ZAAP), Dept. of Physics, BZ University, Multan, Islamian’s Physicists Alumni Association (IPAA)The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.


Local: 0

International: 40

  1. F. Mukhtar, T. Munawar, M.S. Nadeem, M. Naveed ur Rahman, K. Mahmood, S. Batool, M. Hassan, K. ur Rehman, and F. Iqbal*, Enhancement in carrier separation of ZnO-Ho2O3-Sm2O3 hetrostuctured nanocomposite with rGO and PANI supported direct dual Z-scheme for antimicrobial inactivation and sunlight driven photocatalysis, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 32 (2021), page 3770–3787 (IF=4.963).
  2. F. Mukhtar, T. Munawar, M.S. Nadeem, M. Naveed ur Rahman, S. Batool, M. Hassan, M. Riaz, Khalil ur Rehman, and F. Iqbal*, Highly efficient novel tri-phase TiO2-Y2O3-V2O5nanocomposite photocatalyst and antibacterial agent: Synthesis, structural, electrical, and optical studies, Nanostructure in Chemistry, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40097-021-00430-9, (IF=8.00).
  3. F. Mukhtar, T. Munawar, M.S. Nadeem, M. Naveed ur Rahman, M. Riaz, and F. Iqbal*, Synthesis of highly efficient direct dual Z-scheme ZnO-V2O5-WO3 heterostructured nanocomposite for degradation of dyes under sunlight and antimicrobial agent, Materials Chemistry and Physics,263 (2021) 124372. (IF=4.778).
  4. F. Mukhtar, T. Munawar, M.S. Nadeem, M. Hasan, F. Hussain, M.A. Nawaz, and F. Iqbal*, Multi metal oxide NiO-Fe2O3-CdO nanocomposite-synthesis, photocatalytic and antibacterial properties, Applied Physics A, (2020) 126:588, (IF=2.585).
  5. F. Mukhtar, T. Munawar, M.S. Nadeem, Shoukat Alim Khan, Muammer Koc, S. Batool, M. Hassan, and F. Iqbal*, Enhanced sunlight-absorption of Fe2O3 covered by PANI for the photodegradation of organic pollutants and antimicrobial inactivation, Advanced Powder Technology, 33 (2022), 103708 (IF=4.963).
  6. F. Mukhtar, T. Munawar, M.S. Nadeem, M. Naveed ur Rahman, Shoukat Alim Khan, Muammer Koc, S. Batool, M. Hassan, and F. Iqbal*, Dual Z-scheme core-shell PANI-CeO2-Fe2O3-NiO heterostructured nanocomposite for dyes remidation under sunlight and bacterial disinfection, Environmental Research,215 (2022) 114140 (IF=8.44).
  7. T. Munawar, F. Mukhtar, M. S. Nadeem, M. Asghar, K. Mahmood, A. Hussain, M. I. Arshad, M. Ajaz un-Nabi, and F. Iqbal*, Multifunctional properties of Zn0.9Mn0.05M0.05O (M = Al, Bi, Sr, Ag) nanocrystals structural and optical study: enhance sunlight driven photocatalytic activity, Ceramics International.46 (2020) 22345–22366, (IF=4.527).
  8. T. Munawar, M.S. Nadeem, F. Mukhtar, M. Hasan, K. Mahmood, M.I. Arshad, A. Hussain, A. Ali, M.S. Saif,and F. Iqbal*, Rare earth metal co-doped Zn0.9La0.05M0.05O (M = Yb, Sm, Nd) nanocrystals; energy gap tailoring, structural, photocatalytic and antibacterial studies, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 122 (2021) 105485, (IF=4.644).
  9. T. Munawar, F. Mukhtar, M.S. Nadeem, K. Mahmood, M. Hasan, A. Hussain, A. Ali, M.I. Arshad, and F. Iqbal*, Novel direct dual-Z-scheme ZnO-Er2O3-Nd2O3@reduced graphene oxide heterostructured nanocomposite: synthesis, characterization and superior antibacterial and photocatalytic activity, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 253 (2020) 123249, (IF=4.094).
  10. T. Munawar, M.S. Nadeem, F. Mukhtar, Adnan Azhar, M. Hasan, K. Mahmood, A. Hussain, Adnan Ali, M. I. Arshad, M. Ajaz un-Nabi, and F. Iqbal*, Synthesis, characterization, and antibacterial study of novel Mg0.9Cr0.05M0.05O (M = Co, Ag, Ni) nanocrystals, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 602 (2021) 412555, (IF=2.988).
  11. T. Munawar, F. Mukhtar, M.S. Nadeem, K. Mahmood, A. Hussain, A. Ali, M.I. Arshad, M. Ajaz un Nabi,and F. Iqbal*, Structural, optical, electrical, and morphological studies of rGO anchored direct dual-Z-scheme ZnO-Sm2O3-Y2O3 heterostructured nanocomposite: An efficient photocatalyst under sunlight, Solid State Sciences,Volume 106, August 2020, 106307, (IF=3.059).
  12. T. Munawar, F. Mukhtar, M.S. Nadeem, M. Riaz, M. Naveed ur Rahman, K. Mahmood, M. Hasan, M.I. Arshad, F. Hussain, A. Hussain,and F. Iqbal*, Novel photocatalyst and antibacterial agent; direct dual Z-scheme ZnO-CeO2-Yb2O3 heterostructured nanocomposite, Solid State Sciences, 109 (2020) 106446, (IF=3.059).
  13. T. Munawar, F. Mukhtar, S. Yasmeen, M. Naveed ur Rahman, M.S. Nadeem, M. Riaz, M. Mansoor, and F. Iqbal*, Sunlight-induced photocatalytic degradation of various dyes and bacterial inactivation using CuO-MgO-ZnO nanocomposite, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-13572-8, (IF=5.19).
  14. T. Munawar, M.S. Nadeem, M. Naveed ur Rahman, F. Mukhtar, M. Riaz, and F. Iqbal*, Sol-gel synthesis of Cu0.9Zn0.05M0.05O (M = Cr, Co, Cd) nanocrystals for removal of pollutant dyes and bacterial inactivation, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, (2021) 32:14437–14455, (IF=2.779).
  15. T. Munawar, M.N. ur Rehman, M.S. Nadeem, F. Mukhtar, S. Manzoor, M.N. Ashiq,and F. Iqbal*, Facile synthesis of Cr/Co co-doped CdO nanowires for photocatalytic, antimicrobial, and supercapacitor applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 885 (2021) 160885, (IF=6.371).
  16. T. Munawar, F. Mukhtar, M.S. Nadeem, S. Manzoor, M.N Ashiq, K. Mahmood, S. Batool, M. Hassan, and F. Iqbal*, Fabrication of Dual Z-scheme TiO2-WO3-CeO2 heterostructured nanocomposite with enhanced photocatalysis, antibacterial, and electrochemical performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, JALCOM-D-21-10257R1,(Accepted) (IF=6.371).
  17. M. Naveed ur Rahman, T. Munawar, M.S. Nadeem, F. Mukhtar, A. Maqbool,  M. Riaz, S. Manzoor, M.N. Ashiq, and F. Iqbal*, Facile synthesis and characterization of conducting polymer-metal oxide-based core-shell PANI-Pr2O-NiO-Co3O4 nanocomposite: as electrode material for supercapacitor, Ceramics International, Volume 47, Issue 13, Page 18497-18509, (IF=5.532).
  18. M.S. Nadeem, T. Munawar,F. Mukhtar, M. Naveed ur Rahman, M. Riaz, A. Hussain, F. Iqbal, Hydrothermally derived co, Ni co-doped ZnO nanorods; structural, optical, and morphological study, Optical Materials, 111 (2021) 110606,(IF=3.080).
  19. M. S. Nadeem, T. Munawar, F. Mukhtar, M. Naveed ur Rahman, M. Riaz, F. Iqbal, Enhancement in    the      photocatalytic and antimicrobial properties of ZnO nanoparticles by structural variations and energy bandgap tuning through Fe and Co co-doping, Ceramics International, 47 (2021) 11109–11121, (IF=5.532).
  20. T. Munawar,S. Yasmeen, F. Mukhtar, M.S. Nadeem, K. Mahmood, M.S. Saif, A. Ali, F. Hussain, F. Iqbal*, Zn0.9Ce0.05M0.05O (M = Er, Y, V) nanocrystals: Structural and energy bandgap engineering of ZnO for enhancing photocatalytic and antibacterial activity, Ceramic International, 46 (2020) 14369–14383, (IF=4.527).
  21. T. Munawar, M. S Nadeem, F. Mukhtar, M. Riaz, S. Manzoor, M. N Ashiq, S. Batool, M. Hasan, and F. Iqbal*, Enhanced photocatalytic, antibacterial, and electrochemical properties of transition metals doped CdO-based nanostructures, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 33 (2022) 103451, (IF=4.963).
  22. T. Munawar, M. S Nadeem, F. Mukhtar, S. Batool, M. Hasan, Usman Ali Akbar,  Abbas Saeed Hakeem, and F. Iqbal*, Energy‑levels well‑matched direct Z‑scheme ZnNiNdO/CdS heterojunction for elimination of diverse pollutants from wastewater and microbial disinfection, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-19271-2(IF=5.19).
  23. T. Munawar,F. Mukhtar, M.S. Nadeem, Sumaira Manzoor, Muhammad Naeem Ashiq, S. Batool, M. Hasan,and F. Iqbal*, Facile synthesis of rare earth metal dual-doped Pr2O3 nanostructures: enhanced electrochemical water-splitting and antimicrobial properties, Ceramic International, 48 (2022) 19150-19165(IF=5.532).
  24. Muhammad Naveed ur Rehman, Tauseef Munawar, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem, F. Mukhtar, Usman Ali Akbar, Sumaira Manzoor, Abbas Saeed Hakeem, Muhammad Naeem Ashiq, and Faisal Iqbal*, Facile synthesis of novel PANI covered Y2O3-ZnO nanocomposite: A promising electrode material for supercapacitor, Solid State Sciences, 128 (2022) 106883 (IF=3.752).
  25. Tauseef Munawar, Sumaira Manzoor, F. Mukhtar, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem, Abdul Ghafoor Abid, Muhammad Naeem Ashiq*, and Faisal Iqbal*, Facile synthesis of nanosphere like rareearth/ transition metal dual-doped TiO2 nanostructure for application as supercapacitor electrodes material, Journal of Materials Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-022-07390-7 (IF=4.223).
  26. Tauseef Munawar, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem, F. Mukhtar, Sumaira Manzoor, Muhammad Naeem Ashiq, Muhammad Riaz, Altaf Hussain, and Faisal Iqbal*,  Superior electrochemical performance of neodymium oxide-based Nd2CeMO3 (M = Er, Sm, V) nanostructures for supercapacitor application, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jelechem.2022.116614, (IF=4.464).
  27. T. Munawar, M. S Nadeem, F. Mukhtar, M. Naveed ur Rahman, M. Riaz, S. Batool, M. Hasan, and F. Iqbal*, Transition metal‑doped SnO2 and graphene oxide (GO) supported nanocomposites as efcient photocatalysts and antibacterial agents, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-22144-3(IF=5.19).
  28. Tauseef Munawar, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem, F. Mukhtar, Sumaira Manzoor, Muhammad Naeem Ashiq, and Faisal Iqbal*, Surfactant-assisted facile synthesis of petal-nanoparticle interconnected nanoflower like NiO nanostructure for supercapacitor electrodes material, Materials Science & Engineering B, 284 (2022) 115900 (IF=4.051).
  29. Muhammad Shahid Nadeem, Tauseef Munawar, F. Mukhtar, Sumaira Manzoor, Khalid Mahmood, Mohammaed Sultan Al-Buriahi, Khadijah Mohammedsaleh Katubi, Muhammad Naeem Ashiq, Imed Boukhris, Faisal Iqbal,Facile synthesis of sunlight driven photocatalysts Zn0.9Ho0.05M0.05O (M = Pr, Sm, Er) for the removal of synthetic dyes from wastewater, Surfaces and Interfaces,34 (2022) 102376 (IF=6.137).
  30. Muhammad Riaz, Tauseef Munawar, F. Mukhtar, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem, Sumaira Manzoor, Muhammad Naeem Ashiq, Faisal Iqbal,Facile synthesis of polyaniline-supported halide perovskite nanocomposite (KCuCl3/PANI) as potential electrode material for supercapacitor, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, (2022) accepted, (IF=2.779).
  31. Ambreen Bashir, Tauseef Munawar, F. Mukhtar, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem, Sumaira Manzoor, Muhammad Naeem Ashiq, Shoukat Alim Khan, Muammer Koc, Faisal Iqbal,Dual-functional fullerene supported NiO-based nanocomposite: Efficient electrocatalyst for OER and photocatalyst for MB dye degradation, Materials Chemistry and Physics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2022.126886 (IF=4.778).


Institute of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

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