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Dr. Farhan Mukhtar
  • Dr. Farhan Mukhtar

  • Associate Professor/Principal
    MSc.N, RN, M.Phil Public-Health, BSc.N
  •  imFarhanMukhtar
  •  farhanmukhtarhashmi@gmail.com


Hi, everyone 
I am Farhan Mukhtar, a health professional, researcher, and teacher. Over more than decade, I have worked in a wide variety of professional capacities in both the private and public sectors. 
I have served as Assistant/ Associate professor at Multan College of Nursing, Multan Medical, Dental and Nursing College (MMDNC) since 2018, where I oversaw the growth of different educational sites, including programs at bachelor’s, and master’s levels. I have spent five years at Shalamar College of Nursing, beginning as an instructor in 2012, where I have served as Clinical Instructor, Quality assurance manager, Nursing Lecturer, Project Director of different research and scholarly activities at Shalamar College of Nursing, Lahore.

I have worked in collaboration with local, state, regional and national organizations and groups to translate research evidence into sustainable programs. I have led & provided consultation to capacity building of health professional training projects in collaboration with University of Dublin Ireland. I have extensive experience with multiple public health organizations focuses on rural health care access and the needs of underserved populations. 
I have articles on subjects ranging from Public Health and clinical nursing to the educational field of Nursing.
I have privilege to be in editorial board of a book with title “Women Centered Reproductive Health Care” funded by Grand Challenges Canada, in collaboration with McMaster University Canada.

I have earned my Bachelorette degree in Nursing, through the University of Health Sciences (UHS), M.Phil in Public Health Post graduation in Nursing from Institute of Nursing (ION), UHS, and Pursuing Doctoral Program in Nursing.

Phone:0345-8672094 062-9255850
Secondary Email:farhanmukhtarhashmi@gmail.com
Address:University College of Nursing, Baghdad Campus Bahawalpur

Research Interests

Research Intent for Doctoral Program;
Learning Style Preference among Graduate and Postgraduate Students of Nursing and Public Health in Relation to their Gender and Academic Performance.


Awards and Honors

  1. Invited as Speaker on ‘22nd Annual Congress of Pakistan  Hypertension League’ 
  2. Invited as facilitator of an international workshop held in AFPGMI dated October 30, 2015 on topic “Working with Multidisciplinary team”
  3. Program Coordinator for the capacity building program of Health professionals working in DHQ’s & THQ’s of Punjab, in Collaboration with University of Health Sciences Lahore funded by Project Management Unit, Primary & Secondary Health Care department, Government of Punjab, Pakistan



⦁    Awareness about Tuberculosis of T.B patients at Gulab Devi Hospital Lahore

⦁    Correlation between Dietary Patterns & Bone Mineral Density in Women from Adulthood to Menopause: a Descriptive Study

⦁    Gender Difference in Awareness about Tuberculosis from Patients Belongs to Slum area of Punjab, Pakistan

⦁    Effects of Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises on Blood Sugar Levels in Working Class Females with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

⦁    Knowledge and Practices among Nurses of Tertiary Care Hospitals, Lahore Regarding Nasogastric Tube Feeding in Adult Patients


⦁    Inspection and Affiliation committee of University of Health Sciences (UHS), Lahore.
⦁    Curriculum Development Committee, Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC), Islamabad.
⦁    Member of Advanced Practitioner Nurse, (APRN) course development committee of PNC. 
⦁    Institutional Review Board of Institute of Nursing (ION), UHS.
⦁    Examination Wing University of Health Sciences (UHS), Lahore.
⦁    Editorial Board of DOW University of Health Sciences Karachi

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