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Hafiz Muhammad Ali
  • Hafiz Muhammad Ali

  • Assistant Professor
    PhD Cell & Molecular Biology
  • hamli_uaf@hotmail.com
  • 0306-7752047

Profile Summary

I belongs to Bahawalpur and after completion of my basic studies at my home town, I got my degrees of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and M.Sc. (Hons.) Veterinary Anatomy at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF). During each year of DVM degree at UAF, I got university merit scholarship by maintaining my position among the top 10 students of the class. Just about a month, after completion of my DVM, when I started my M.Sc. (Hons.) Veterinary Anatomy, I was selected as a lecturer in the department to teach the classes of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology. During this period, I also served as a member of Board of Studies of the department, tutor (Tutorial Group-39) and Co-advisor for DVM students (Session 2007-2008).

After completion of my M.Sc. (Hons.), I joined The Islamia University of Bahawalpur at my home town as a lecturer of Anatomy and Histology. Meanwhile, I got the funding for MS leading to PhD studies in France under Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) scholarship program. I successfully completed the French language course of five months at Alliance Française, Faisalabad and of two months at Catholique Insitute de Paris. I did my Master-2 Research - Reproduction and Development at the University of Denis DiderotParis-7 with research work performed at University of Pierre et Marie Curie Paris-6. I was working on the mechanism of nuclear positioning and the role of microtubules organizing centers (MTOCs) in spindle formation in the prophase-arrested oocytes of mouse. Then, I joined Institute de Cancerology, Gustave Roussy at Villejuif (France) and obtained my PhD degree with grade of “très honorable avec félicitations de jury; much honorable with congratulations of the jury” in the thesis entitled: “Effects of siRNA-squalene nanoparticles on RET/PTCs junction oncogenes in papillary thyroid carcinoma: from molecular and cellular studies to preclinical investigations”. In the current study, I targeted the most frequent chromosomal rearrangements (RET/PTC1 and RET/PTC3) found in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) with specifically designed small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) protected by squalene (SQ) nanoparticles (NPs). These findings recommended the use of siRNAs-SQ NPs as a treatment for patients affected by PTC expressing RET/PTCs junction oncogenes in the phase-1 clinical trials.

After completion of my higher studies, I came back to Pakistan and joined The Islamia University of Bahawalpur as Assistant Professor under HEC program Interim Placement for Fresh PhDs (IPFP). After successful completion of one more year on contract, currently I am working as Assistant Professor on Tenure Track System (TTS) in the Department of Anatomy and Histology, FV&AS. I have co-supervised more than 25 post-graduate and several under-graduate students and published 52 research papers of 100.795 impact factor and 505 citations. My future direction is to transfer the obtained knowledge and the recent cell and molecular biological techniques to the young scientists and to prepare them to integrate in the various research institutions.


DegreeBoard/UniversityYear of Passing
SSCBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Bahawalpur1996-03-22
FSc Pre-MedBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Bahawalpur1998-05-28
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)University of Agriculture, Faisalabad2004-09-30
M.PhilUniversity of Agriculture, Faisalabad2007-08-15
PhD Cell & Molecular BiologyParis-Sud University (Paris ) (Université Paris-Sud (Paris ) – Paris Sud University (Paris XI) (UPS))2014-04-26
Master ForeignUniversity Paris South-II2009-08-31


LecturerUniversity of Agriculture Faisalabad2 Years 9 Months 16 Days
Researcher fellowUniversity of Agriculture Faisalabad2 Years 10 Months 22 Days
Lecturer The Islamia University of Bahawalpur0 Years 3 Months 28 Days
Researcher fellowCNRS France0 Years 10 Months 29 Days
Researcher fellowINRA France1 Years 10 Months 8 Days
Researcher fellowInstitute Gustave Roussy, France2 Years 8 Months 25 Days
Researcher / BiologistCNRS France1 Years 6 Months 1 Days
Assistant ProfessorThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur1 Years 0 Months 0 Days
Assistant ProfessorThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur0 Years 11 Months 20 Days
Assistant ProfessorThe Islamia University of BahawalpurOctober, 2017 - Present


Sub-clinical mastitis in buffaloes in Attock district of Punjab
Upload file contains all publications
Presence of an intermediate lobe on the left lung instead of right in dogs
Evaluation of the rabbit as an experimental model for human uterine synechia
Significance and applications of nanoparticles in siRNA delivery for cancer therapy
Effects of Silencing theRET/PTC1Oncogene in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma by siRNA-Squalene Nanoparticles With and Without Fusogenic Companion GALA-Cholesterol
Effects of siRNA on RET/PTC3 Junction Oncogene in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: From Molecular and Cellular Studies to Preclinical Investigations
Antineoplastic Effects of siRNA against TMPRSS2-ERG Junction Oncogene in Prostate Cancer
Induction of TTF-1 or PAX-8 expression on proliferation and tumorigenicity in thyroid carcinomas
In-vitro Susceptibility of FMD Virus Serotype A Endemic in KPK, Pakistan
Serum enzyme activities and electrolyte concentration of breeding donkeys (Equus asinus): effect of sex, age, lactation and/or pregnancy
Knocking Down TMPRSS2-ERG Fusion Oncogene by siRNA Could be an Alternative Treatment to Flutamide
Effects of natural environment on reproductive histo-morphometric dynamics of female dromedary camel
Bacterial, PCR and clinico-pathological diagnosis of naturally occurring pneumonic pasturellosis (mannheimiosis) during subtropical climate in sheep
Patho-bacteriological investigation of an outbreak of Mycoplasma bovis infection in calves - Emerging stealth assault
Addition of molasses, corn steep liquor and rice polishing as economical sources to enhance the fungal biomass production of wheat straw by Arachniotus sp
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoretic Expression of Serologic Proteins from Sera of Patients with Gastric Cancer
Analysis of different toxic Impacts of Fipronil on growth, hemato-biochemistry, protoplasm and reproduction in adult cockerel
Prevalence and Characterization of Trypanosomes from Livestock of Cholistan Desert, Pakistan
Concurrent cerebral and extra-cerebral caprine coenurosis: a case report
Bioinformatics analysis of serologic proteins of prostate cancer patients separated by SDS-PAGE
Effect of water quality on production performance of lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes
Differential expression of proteins in SDS-PAGE in sera of patients suffering from gastric cancer
Prevalence of Multiple Drug Resistance among Avian Pathogenic E. coli Isolates from Commercial Poultry
Effects of in-ovo inoculation on productive performances and histo-physiological traits in commercial birds
In-ovo Effects of Lysine Amino Acid on Histomorphometry of Thigh Muscles, Cecal Tonsils and pH in Japanese Quail
Disinfection of corona virus in histopathology laboratories
In vitro antehlmentic efficiency of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad on Haemonchus contortus
Effects of Bacillus subtilis on performance, immune system and gut in Salmonella-challenged broiler chickens
Effects of immune modulators on growth and economic performance of broiler chickens
Bacteriophage Therapy: Recent Development and Applications
Diversity and Abundance of Moths in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
Sub-clinical mastitis in buffaloes in Attock district of Punjab
Presence of an intermediate lobe on the left lung instead of right in dogs
Evaluation of the rabbit as an experimental model for human uterine synechia
Significance and applications of nanoparticles in siRNA delivery for cancer therapy
Effects of Silencing theRET/PTC1Oncogene in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma by siRNA-Squalene Nanoparticles With and Without Fusogenic Companion GALA-Cholesterol
Effects of siRNA on RET/PTC3 Junction Oncogene in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: From Molecular and Cellular Studies to Preclinical Investigations
Antineoplastic Effects of siRNA against TMPRSS2-ERG Junction Oncogene in Prostate Cancer
Induction of TTF-1 or PAX-8 expression on proliferation and tumorigenicity in thyroid carcinomas
In-vitro Susceptibility of FMD Virus Serotype A Endemic in KPK, Pakistan
Serum enzyme activities and electrolyte concentration of breeding donkeys (Equus asinus): effect of sex, age, lactation and/or pregnancy
Knocking Down TMPRSS2-ERG Fusion Oncogene by siRNA Could be an Alternative Treatment to Flutamide
Effects of natural environment on reproductive histo-morphometric dynamics of female dromedary camel
Bacterial, PCR and clinico-pathological diagnosis of naturally occurring pneumonic pasturellosis (mannheimiosis) during subtropical climate in sheep
Patho-bacteriological investigation of an outbreak of Mycoplasma bovis infection in calves - Emerging stealth assault
Addition of molasses, corn steep liquor and rice polishing as economical sources to enhance the fungal biomass production of wheat straw by Arachniotus sp
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoretic Expression of Serologic Proteins from Sera of Patients with Gastric Cancer
Analysis of different toxic Impacts of Fipronil on growth, hemato-biochemistry, protoplasm and reproduction in adult cockerel
Prevalence and Characterization of Trypanosomes from Livestock of Cholistan Desert, Pakistan
Concurrent cerebral and extra-cerebral caprine coenurosis: a case report
Bioinformatics analysis of serologic proteins of prostate cancer patients separated by SDS-PAGE
Effect of water quality on production performance of lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes
Differential expression of proteins in SDS-PAGE in sera of patients suffering from gastric cancer
Prevalence of Multiple Drug Resistance among Avian Pathogenic E. coli Isolates from Commercial Poultry
Effects of in-ovo inoculation on productive performances and histo-physiological traits in commercial birds
In-ovo Effects of Lysine Amino Acid on Histomorphometry of Thigh Muscles, Cecal Tonsils and pH in Japanese Quail
Disinfection of corona virus in histopathology laboratories
In vitro antehlmentic efficiency of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad on Haemonchus contortus
Effects of Bacillus subtilis on performance, immune system and gut in Salmonella-challenged broiler chickens
Effects of immune modulators on growth and economic performance of broiler chickens
Bacteriophage Therapy: Recent Development and Applications
Diversity and Abundance of Moths in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
A biochemical study of diazepam as a pre-anesthetic in combination with various anesthetics during orchidectomy in dogs
Effects of in-ovo administration of L-arginine on the histo-morphometry of thigh muscles, meat characteristics and growth performance in japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
Factors influencing the incidence of Eimeria leuckarti in horses
In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory potential of Octhochloa compressa extracts in carrageenan induced rats
Screening and characterization of biosurfactant producing bacterial cells from different fuel contaminated sites
Utilization of indigenous fodder resources for optimizing livestock feed management in Balochistan, Pakistan
A Review on Recent Advancement in the Molecular Diagnostics of Leishmania
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potentials of aerial and floral parts of Neurada procumbens extracts: In vitro and in vivo studies
A multidirectional phytochemical profiling, antimicrobial, antioxidant and toxicity studies of Neurada procumbens L.: a desert medicinal plant
Enhanced wound healing effects of herbal gel formulations in a rabbit model: a comparative study
Effectiveness of cephalosporins in hydrolysis and inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli biofilms
Effects of sub-lethal concentrations of lindane on histo-morphometric and physio-biochemical parameters of Labeo rohita
Molecular identification of different toxinogenic strains of Clostridium perfringens and histo-pathological observations of camels died of per-acute entero-toxaemia
Bifenthrin induced toxic effects on haematological, reproductive and histo-morphological profile in adult male quail (Coturnix japonica)
Prophylactic effects of methylene blue, coconut and olive oils supplements on hemato-biochemical and histo-pathological parameters against p-Phenylenediamine toxicity in male albino rats
Temporal and dosage impact of magnesium oxide nanoparticles on grass carp: unveiling oxidative stress, DNA damage and antioxidant suppression


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