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Iqra Maqbool
  • Iqra Maqbool

  • Lecturer
    M.phil (high energy Physics)


I am Iqra Maqbool. I have done my M.fil in high energy Physics from University of Punjab. My field of study cover the understanding of the fundamental forces and particles of the universe by probing at the smallest scales of length to learn about the  fundamental nature of elementary particles and the interaction between them. In addition, my study cover the electroweak  symmetry breaking,heavy flavor  physics, performing precision tests to searches for physics beyond the standard model such as searches for new particles that will lead us to a deeper understanding of how our universe is stretched along with instrumentation and detector development as  in large hadron collidel(LHC) at CERN. LHC is  colliding protons at the highest energy ever achieved in the laboratory. These  collisions have already discovered the Higgs  boson, and hoped that they may also reveal even more exotic new physics such as supersymmetry or  extra dimensions of space. Now I am also going to pursue my doctor of philosophy in this field.


Research Interests

My area of interest is particle physics,that probe with matter at the possible smallest scale.I am eager to research in experimental particle physics about different mechanism occur in LHC &CMS detector.

Awards and Honors

Obtained 2nd position in M.phil (high energy physics): Obtained 3 rd position in BS Hons(phy) at university level:


Center for high energy Physics,PU  Lahore National center for Physics(NCP) Islamabad Institute of Physics,Islamia University of Bahawalpur

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