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Muhammad Khalid Mansoor
  • Muhammad Khalid Mansoor

  • Professor
  • khalid.mansoor@iub.edu.pk
  • 0332-6580440

Profile Summary

Muhammad Khalid Mansoor is a Professor in Microbiology at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, where he has worked since 2020. He is founding Dean of Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences and also Chairperson, Department of Microbiology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. He holds a DVM (2000), M.Sc. (Hons) in Veterinary Microbiology (2002) and PhD (2010) from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan on development of an egg-adapted vaccine against hydropericardium syndrome in chicken.

Dr. Mansoor joined Institute of Microbiology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad as Lecturer in 2001 and got promoted as Assistant Professor in 2013. Later, he joined Animal Health Research Center as virologist and animal disease expert under the Directorate General of Agriculture and Livestock Research, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Sultanate of Oman in 2014. Prior to joining IUB, Dr. Mansoor served as Professor & Dean, Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (CUVAS), Bahawalpur. Prof. Mansoor has been a lead investigator and coordinator of several research projects funded by national and international funding agencies. He has published more than fifty research articles in well reputed national and international peer reviewed journals and he is reviewer of different peer reviewed journals. He is the pioneer for initiation of four years degree program B.S. (Hons.) Applied Microbiology at CUVAS. Dr. Mansoor has produced number of postgraduate students under his supervision. Dr. Mansoor has established Central Diagnostic laboratory for diagnosis of animal diseases at IUB. His research activities focus on host virus interaction, livestock and poultry vaccines, emerging infectious and zoonotic diseases 


DegreeBoard/UniversityYear of Passing
SSCBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Faisalabad1993-01-01
FSc Pre-MedBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Faisalabad1995-01-01
DVMUniversity of Agriculture, Faisalabad2000-01-01
MSc (Hons)University of Agriculture, Faisalabad2002-01-01
Ph.DUniversity of Agriculture, Faisalabad2011-01-01


Professor/Dean/ChairpersonThe Islamia University of BahawalpurJune, 2020 - Present
Professor/Dean/ChairpersonCholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences1 Years 6 Months 18 Days
Virologist / Animal Disease ExpertThe Animal Health Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries3 Years 7 Months 1 Days


Hemato-biochemical changes, molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the 2022 Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) outbreak in Cholistan, Pakistan
Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus in Southern Punjab, Pakistan using Real Time PCR
Metagenomic analysis for exploring the potential of Lactobacillus yoelii FYL1 to mitigate bacterial diarrhea and changes in the gut microbiota of juvenile yaks
Genotypic analysis of hepatitis E virus (HEV) from sporadic symptomatic cases in Pakistan
Risk of infection with arboviruses in a healthy population in Pakistan based on seroprevalence
Cryptosporidium infection induced the dropping of SCFAS and dysbiosis in intestinal microbiome of Tibetan pigs
Insect-Derived Chitin and Chitosan: A Still Unexploited Resource for the Edible Insect Sector
Potential molecular mechanism of ascites syndrome in broilers
Positive Selection Drives the Adaptive Evolution of Mitochondrial Antiviral Signaling (MAVS) Proteins-Mediating Innate Immunity in Mammals.
Sublethal toxicity of carbofuran in cattle egret (Bubulcusibis coromandus): hematological, biochemical, and histopathological alterations


Molecular Characterization and Development of Attenuated Vaccine Using Local Strains of Contagious Pustular Dermatitis Virus from Small Ruminants of Cholistan

2021-04 - 2024-10

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Lead PI (National Research Program for Universities (NRPU), Higher Education Commission, Pakistan, 9.3 Million

Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in Kazakhstan and Pakistan

2022-01 - 2025-12

Associated With: ANSO Collaborative Research

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Status: Awarded. Co-PI from Pakistan Team. 1,300,000 RMB

Development and Standardization of Point-of-Care-Testing and Therapeutic Hyper-immune Sera for Parvovirus Infection in Dogs

2022-07 - 2024-07

Associated With:

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PI (ORIC Research Grants, IUB, 1.6 Million, completed).

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