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Prof. Dr. Maqshoof Ahmad
  • Prof. Dr. Maqshoof Ahmad

  • Professor
    PhD Soil Science
  • maqshoof_ahmad@yahoo.com
  • 03008466948

Profile Summary

I received a BSc (Hons.) Agriculture (Soil Science) degree in 2006, MSc (Hons.) Soil Science in 2008 and PhD Soil Science (Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry) in 2011, from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad-Pakistan. I have also received Post-Doctoral Research Training from the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics, University of Hohenheim, Germany. I have received several certificates and training related to instrumentation and laboratory techniques, management of research laboratory and accreditation documentation.

Currently, I am serving as a Professor of Soil Science (BPS-21) and Chairman of the Department of Soil Science, ISWR, FA&E, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. I have also served in university administration in different roles. Under the mandate vested to me as Director Academics, I have worked tirelessly and got historic achievements in terms of increase in the number of students, human resources, faculties and departments, smooth running of academic activities, ensuring quality education, implementation of IT solutions, optimum utilization of physical and intellectual resources to run on-campus & online academic activities for both University enrolled students and affiliated colleges.

In agricultural research, I have won ten (11) research projects worth more than PKR 35 million, as Project Manager, PI, Co-PI and collaborating scientist from different National and International funding organizations including the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, International Food Policy Research Institute IFPRI), USA, BMZ, Germany, PARB, and EFS-UAF. I have been listed among the top 2% of scientists in the world as compiled by Stanford University. The research team at the Soil Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory at IUB under my supervision developed novel biofertilizers. I have also filed a patent “Biofertilizer for control of sooty mold in cotton” with the IPO office, Karachi as lead researcher. At IUB, we are working through strong National and International liaisons and have established strong international and national collaborations with well-known institutions. I have also visited Germany, Austria, Turkey, and Thailand for research purposes.

I have published 120+ research papers, review articles, scientific reports, books, and book chapters, and delivered several oral talks at the International and National Conferences. I have 250+ cumulative impact factor, 6000+ citations, 39 h-Index and 85 I-index for my research publications as per Google Scholar reports. More than 50 postgraduate [PhD + MSc (Hons) Soil Science] students have completed their degrees under my supervision. I am also a life member of professional bodies related to Soil Science and serving as an editor/reviewer of several national and international research journals.


DegreeBoard/UniversityYear of Passing
PhD Soil ScienceUniversity of Agriculture Faisalabad2011-10-19
M.Sc (Hons) Agriculture Soil ScienceUniversity of Agriculture, Faisalabad2008-09-10
BSc (Hons). AgricultureUniversity of Agriculture, Faisalabad2006-07-03
FSCBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Bahawalpur2002-08-31
SSC (Matric) / O Levels Chemistry Biology Physics MathematicsBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Bahawalpur1999-03-31


ProfessorThe Islamia University of BahawalpurJuly, 2023 - Present
Associate ProfessorThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur3 Years 8 Months 22 Days
LecturerThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur6 Years 7 Months 29 Days
Assistant Agricultural ChemistAgriculture (Research) Department, Government of the Punjab, Pakistan0 Years 7 Months 0 Days
Assistant Professor (IPFP)The Islamia University of Bahawalpur0 Years 6 Months 10 Days


Maize fodder quality characteristics and yield as affected by potassium application on calcareous sandy clay loam soil
Phosphorus application to cotton enhances growth, yield, and quality characteristics on a sandy loam soil
Differences in rice cultivars for growth and phosphorus acquisition from rock phosphate and mono-ammonium phosphate sources
Ground water quality characterization and its correlation with wheat yield
Suppression of canary grass (Phalaris minor) with simultaneous use of rhizobacteria and sunflower allelopathy
Prospects of iron solubilizing Bacillus species for improving growth and iron in maize (Zea mays L.) under axenic conditions
Editorial: Mineral solubilizing microorganisms (MSM) and their applications in nutrient bioavailability
Wood ash application for crop production
Enhancing sunflower resilience: Zinc-solubilizing bacteria mitigate cadmium uptake and translocation
Zinc-coated urea and zinc-solubilizing microbes: synergistic strategies for improving zinc bioavailability in dry region soils
Optimizing Drought Resilience in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Through Synergistic Actions of Drought-Tolerant Rhizobacterial Strains and Brassinosteroids Hormone Application: A Jar Trial Study
Enhancing Chickpea Growth through Drought-Tolerant Bacterial Strains Isolated from the Rhizosphere of Aerva javanica
Efficacy of DAP coated with bacterial strains and their metabolites for soil phosphorus availability and maize growth
Bacterial allelopathy: An approach for biological control of weeds
Isolation and characterization of chromium-resistant bacteria and their effects on germination
Single-Strain Inoculation of Bacillus subtilis and Rhizobium phaseoli Affects Nitrogen Acquisition of an Improved Mungbean Cultivar
Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacillus sp. Modulate Soil Exoenzyme Activities and Improve Wheat Growth
Growth and Yield of Okra Exposed to a Consortium of Rhizobacteria with Different Organic Carriers under Controlled and Natural Field Conditions
Bacterial secondary metabolites: possible mechanism for weed suppression in wheat
Editorial: Mineral solubilizing microorganisms (MSM) and their applications in nutrient availability
Combating iron and zinc malnutrition through mineral biofortification in maize through plant growth promoting Bacillus and Paenibacillus species
Mineral-Solubilizing Bacteria-Mediated Enzymatic Regulation and Nutrient Acquisition Benefit Cotton’s (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Vegetative and Reproductive Growth


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