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Muhammad Aurangzaib
  • Muhammad Aurangzaib

  • Associate Professor
  • maurangxaib@gmail.com
  • 0313-6710400

Profile Summary


DegreeBoard/UniversityYear of Passing
PhDIowa State University (ISU)2015-12-19
SSCBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Bahawalpur1999-01-01
FSc Pre-MedBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Bahawalpur2002-01-01
BSC (Hons)University of Balochistan Quetta2007-01-01
M.PhilIowa State University (ISU)2012-08-08


Assistant ProfessorThe Islamia University of BahawalpurJuly, 2017 - Present
LecturerThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur1 Years 6 Months 11 Days
Research AssistantIowa State University3 Years 4 Months 2 Days
TSOFMC0 Years 12 Months 3 Days



Assessment of conventional and modern mulch materials for sustainable cotton production under water deficit conditions

2017-12 - 2018-12

Associated With: HEC, Pakistan

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Drought stress is considered as one of the most important growth-limiting factorsthat decrease plant growth .The application of gel mulch, FYM, biochar, to agricultural soils iscurrently discussed to investigate if they may improve plant eco-physiological responsesunder insufficient water supply as well as drought stress. A fully randomized greenhousestudy was conducted with the cotton, using different levels of Biochar, FYM, gel mulchaddition) to a sandy soil and two water treatments (three days, six days) were applied,investigating growth, water use efficiency, eco-physiological parameters.

Establishing high health Moringa oleifera nursery production in Bahawalpur district and its exogenous application as a seed priming agent under water deficit stress

2018-09 - 2019-12

Associated With: HEC, Pakistan

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SRGP Project from HEC was awarded to the nursery establishment of Moringa oleifera plants. And to study the effects of foliar application of its extract on growth and development to meliorate the drought stress effects.

Exploring bioenergy production potential at the IUB: A path towards sustainable energy production

2020-10 - 2023-12

Associated With: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

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A project was awarded by IUB to study the potential of biomass waste production at IUB and its utilization for the energy production through gasification.

Use of environment friendly acrylic-based “superabsorbent Polymers” in maize (Zea mays L.) crop: A sustainable approach to optimize yield under water deficit conditions

2021-06 - 2023-12

Associated With: ORIC-IUB

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This project was awarded to study the role of agriculture grade superabsorbent polymers to enhance soil water holding capacity and improve production potential of Maize under water limiting conditions.

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