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Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ramzan
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ramzan

  • Professor
  • muhammad.ramzan@iub.edu.pk
  • 0300-6848679

Profile Summary

Dr Muhammad Razman received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics from the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, Swabi, KPK, Pakistan in 2009. He is a Professor of Mathematics at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. He is approved supervisor of HEC to supervise PhD scholars. Furthermore, 05 PhD and 70 MPhil students have completed their degrees, 06 PhD and 10 MPhil students are working under his supervision. He has published more than 55 research articles. HE is also a regular reviewer of the national and international renowned research journals


DegreeBoard/UniversityYear of Passing
SSCBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Multan1984-01-01
FSc Pre-EnggBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Multan1986-01-01
BScIslamia University, Bahawalpur1989-01-01
MScBahauddin Zakariya University, Multan1991-01-01
M.PhilGhulam Ishaq Khan institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Topi, Swabi2006-01-01
P.hDGhulam Ishaq Khan institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Topi, Swabi2009-01-01


LecturerThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur7 Years 9 Months 10 Days
Assistant ProfessorCOMSATS University Islamabad Sahiwal Campus1 Years 0 Months 0 Days
Assistant ProfessorThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur10 Years 4 Months 21 Days
Associate ProfessorThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur2 Years 5 Months 3 Days
ProfessorThe Islamia University of BahawalpurMarch, 2022 - Present


Conformal vector fields in proper non-static plane symmetric spacetimes in f(R) gravity
Upload file contains all publications
A note on classification of static plane symmetric perfect fluid space-times via proper conformal vector fields in f(G) theory of gravity
A note on proper conformal vector fields of static spherically symmetric space-times in f(G) theory with perfect fluid source
Conformal vector fields of static spherically symmetric space-times in f(R
Existence of conformal vector fields of Bianchi type I space-times in f(R) gravity
A note on proper homothetic vector fields in plane symmetric perfect fluid static spacetimes in f(R,T) theory of gravity
A note on classification of spatially homogeneous rotating space-times in f(R) theory of gravity according to their proper conformal vector fields
Classification of vacuum classes of plane fronted gravitational waves via proper conformal vector fields in f(R) gravity
A note on some Bianchi type II spacetimes and their conformal vector fields in f(R) theory of gravity
A note on some perfect fluid Kantowski Sachs and Bianchi type III spacetimes and their conformal vector fields in f(R) theory of gravity
Dust static plane symmetric solutions and their conformal vector fields in f(R) theory of gravity
Classification of static spherically symmetric space-times in f(R) theory of gravity according to their conformal vector fields
A note on proper curvature symmetry in general cylindrically symmetric four-dimensional Lorentzian manifolds
Final fate of charged anisotropic fluid collapse
Position Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Using Super Twisting Algorithm
Thermodynamics of phantom energy accreting on to black hole in Einstein-Power-Maxwell gravity
Proper projective symmetry in special non-static plane symmetric Lorentzian manifolds
Proper curvature collineations in special non-static axially symmetric space-times
A note on proper curvature collineations in Bianchi type VIII and IX space-times
Classification of non-static spherically symmetric space-times according to their proper conformal vector fields
Proper curvature collineations in non-static spherically symmetric space-times
A generalized approach for approximate solutions to the N body problem
Conformal and Disformal Structure of 3D Circularly Symmetric Static Metric in f(R) Theory of Gravity
Classification of static cylindrically symmetric spacetimes in f(R) theory of gravity by conformal motions with perfect fluid matter
Proper Curvature Collineations of Plane Symmetric Static Spacetime in F(R) Theory of Gravity
RICCI and Matter Collineations of SOM-ROY Chaudhary Symmetric Space Time
Proper Curvature collineations in Som-Roy Chaudhary Symmetric spacetime
A Note on proper homothetic vector fields of Reboucus space-time by using Lorentzian manifolds
Curvature, Ricci and matter collineations in Reboucus spacetime
Proper homothetic vector fields on three dimensional Lorentzian manifold of circularly symmetric static spacetimes
Proper curvature collineations in static Lemaitre-Tolman Bondi symmetric spacetimes
Classification of LRS Bianchi Type I Spacetime through Its Conformal Killing Vector Fields
Classification of proper non static cylindrically symmetric perfect fluid space-times via conformal vector fields in f(R) gravity
A note on conformal vector fields of Bianchi type V space-times in f(R) theory of gravity with perfect fluid matter
Conformal vector fields of some vacuum classes of static spherically symmetric spacetimes in f(T,B) gravity
Teleparallel Lie symmetries of FRW spacetime by using diagonal tetrad
Proper curvature collineations in static spatially homogeneous rotating spacetimes by using Lorentzian metrics
Proper curvature collineations in non-static spatially homogeneous rotating spacetimes by using Lorentzian metrics
Proper curvature collineations in non-static plane symmetric space-times,
Proper homothetic vector fields in cylindrically symmetric static space-times
Classification of cylindrically symmetric static spacetimes according to their proper homothetic vector fields
Conformal vector fields for some vacuum classes of pp-waves space-times in ghost free infinite derivative gravity
Conformal Vector fields and Dynamics of Kantowski Sachs and Bianchi Type III Perfect Fluid Spacetimes in f(R,T) Gravity
Classification of non-conformally flat static plane symmetric perfect fluid solutions via proper conformal vector fields in f(T) gravity


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