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Dr. Muhammad Azhar Bhatti
  • Dr. Muhammad Azhar Bhatti

  • Lecturer
    PhD Economics
  • azhar.bhatti219@gmail.com
  • 0331-7866605

Profile Summary

Muhammad Azhar Bhatti is completed PhD in Economics from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, and completed MPhil in Econometrics from Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE).  He Joined Department of Economics as Lecturer from July 2023.


DegreeBoard/UniversityYear of Passing
SSC (Matric) / O Levels ScienceBISE Bahawalpur2007-01-01
HSSC (Inter) / A Levels / DAE Pre EngineeringBISE Bahawalpur2009-01-01
Bachelors (16 Years) Economics and FinanaceIslamia University, Bahawalpur2014-01-01
Masters/LLM (18 Years) EconometricsPakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad2018-01-01
PhD EconomicsThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur2023-12-28


Visiting LecturerThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur4 Years 5 Months 1 Days
Associate LecturerDepartment of Economics The Islamia University of Bahawalpur 2 Years 3 Months 3 Days
LecturerThe Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, PakistanJuly, 2023 - Present


Livelihood Assets and Livestock Income: A Case of Mixed Farming Punjab-Pakistan
Impact of Budget Deficit on Inflation: A Case Study of Pakistan
Natural Resources Depletion and Economic Growth: Evidence from ASEAN Countries
The Impact of Social CRM Capabilities and Customer Engagement on the Firm Performance: Mediating Role of Social Media Usage
The Impact of Social CRM Capabilities and Customer Engagement on the Firm Performance: Mediating Role of Social Media Usage
Sectorial growth
How Energy Use, Financial Development and Economic Growth Affect Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Selected Association of South East Asian Nations?
Impact of Globalization on Industrial sector growth In Pakistan
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC): Empirically Examined Long Run Association Between Globalization
The Impacts of Tourism Risk Management
Impact of Taxation on Foreign Direct Investment: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan
Financial Globalization
Liquidity management and profitability of Textile sector of Pakistan
Capital Account Liberalization Institutions and Economic Growth in the Emerging World
Does Technological Innovation Advance Environmental Sustainability in ASEAN Countries?
Impact of Tourism Growth and FDI on Economic Growth: Evidence from South Asian Countries
Employee Job Satisfaction in Higher Educational Institutes: A Review of Theories
Employee Job Satisfaction in Higher Educational Institutes: A Review of Theories
Environmental Governance and Green Energy: An Administrative Toolkit to Reduce Environmental Degradation
Impact of Modernized Agriculture and Trade on Carbon Emissions: The Role of Fossil Fuel and Renewable Energy Consumption Evidenced from ASEAN States
Perceived Administrative Service Efficiency in Academia: A Case Study of International Islamic University Islamabad
Impact of Economic Growth on Child Malnutrition in Pakistan: A Time Series Analysis
Linking Non Renewable Energy
Demographic Transition and Saving Behaviour: A Study of 45 Developing Countries
Drivers of Family Planning Services Utilization in Pakistan: A Literature Survey and Recent Trends in Contraceptive Use
Maternal Employment, Parental Education Levels and Household’s Income: Differential Impacts on the Schooling of Male and Female Children in Pakistan
Impact of Taxation on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan
Stronger Bonds versus Weaker Perceptions: Job Opportunities to be Created by CPEC and the Pakistan Workforce’s Potential to Benefit
Impact of Health Infrastructure on Child Health in Punjab
Impact of Globalization and Tourism on Economic Growth: Fresh Evidence from Pakistan
Yield and Profitability Comparisons of Modern Agricultural Production Technologies Adoption: Evidence From Cotton-wheat Punjab (Pakistan)
Women Empowerment in Pakistan: Multilevel Measurements
An analysis of the interrelationship among trade openness
Urban Population Growth, Per Capita Energy Use, and CO2 Emissions: Evidence from the World’s fifth-most Populous Country
Dirty versus clean fuel for cooking in Pakistan: regional mapping and correlates
Family Planning Decision in the Context of Women Empowerment: Case of a Middle-income Economy
Factors Affecting Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Agricultural Insurance: A Literature Survey (2004-2023)
Government’s Income Support and Women Empowerment: Regional Estimates of a Lower Middle-Income Economy
Human Capital
Model Specification and Inflation Forecast Uncertainty in the Case of Pakistan
Assessing the Influence of Renewable Energy Sources on CO2 Emissions: New Insights from Pakistan
Public Spending Composition and its Implications for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Pakistan: A Dynamic Time Series Analysis
Multifaceted factors and indices contributing towards malnutrition (underweight) among children residing in Cholistan desert
The Role of Secure Property Rights in Driving Economic Growth: A Review of Recent Evidence
Macroeconomic Impacts of Oil Price Fluctuations: Panel Data Evidence from Oil-Importing Developing Countries
Assessing the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan
Livestock Entrepreneurs’ Willingness to Pay (WTP) for Livestock Insurance: The Role of Capital and Financial Burden of Lumpy Skin Disease
The Role of E-Governance on Corruption in East Asia & Pacific: A Panel Data Analysis


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