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Dr. Engr. Qaiser Ijaz
  • Dr. Engr. Qaiser Ijaz

  • Assistant Professor
    MS / MPhil Computer Engineering
  •  https://www.iub.edu.pk/author/Qaiser.Ijaz
  •  engr.qais


Qaiser Ijaz did his B. Sc. Computer System Engineering and M. Sc. Computer Engineering. He is currently on study leave to pursue doctoral research in France. During his service, 2010 to 2018, he has taught 55 courses, published 5 conference and 2 journal papers, supervised more than 300 course & 28 final (senior) year projects, served 4 administrative responsibilities. For his personal and professional development, he completed 3 courses and 17 trainings during the tenure. He founded international chapters of IEEE Student Branch, Women in Engineering Affinity Group and Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society at Faculty of Engineering that directly contributed in developing a social and volunteer culture. He organized and executed more than 100 faculty and university level events and delivered several invited talks at national level. He received a grant of worth 0.3 million rupees from Intel, in the form of 30 Galileo boards. He was awarded by National Grassroots ICT Research Initiative by ICTR&D Fund for three consecutive years, 2014-2016. He is a TEDx organizer since 2012. He has also been awarded by Faculty Development Award by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan.

Address:Department of Computer System Engineering, Engineering New Building, Baghdad ul Jadeed Campus, IU Bahawalpur

Research Interests

Computer Architecture, Digital Design, High Performance Reconfigurable Computing, Hardware for Machine Learning

Awards and Honors

Outstanding Talent Scholarship Award by Punjab Information Technology Board, Pakistan, 2008

Intel® Galileo Gen 2 Development Boards by Intel Higher Education, Intel, 2014 (30 Boards)

National Grassroots ICT Research Initiative by ICTR&D Fund, Pakistan, 2014

National Grassroots ICT Research Initiative by ICTR&D Fund, Pakistan, 2015

National Grassroots ICT Research Initiative by ICTR&D Fund, Pakistan, 2016 (For Two Projects)

HRDi Faculty Development Award for UESTPS-UETS by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan, 2018


International: 08


Member, IEEE USA, since 2009; http://ieee.org/

Registered Engineer, Pakistan Engineering Council, since 2010; http://www.pec.org.pk/

Organizer, TEDx, since 2012; https://www.ted.com/

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