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  • Assistant Professor
  • safdar.hussain@iub.edu.pk
  • 03018120884

Profile Summary


DegreeBoard/UniversityYear of Passing



Drivers’ of Pakistan’s Afghan Policy
Pakistan’s Alliance With China: An Insight From Balance Of Threat Theory
The Role of China in Pakistan's Post-Cold War Security Challenges (1990 and 2001),
Issues and Challenges in Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations after 9/11
Pakistan Afghanistan Conundrum
Federal Ombudsman (Wafaqi Mohtasib) in Pakistan: A Reappraisal of its Origin, Development and Functions
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: An Examination of Competing Viewpoints and Potential Benefits for Pakistan, China, and India.
A Reevaluation of The Origin and Evolution of The Sindhudesh Movement And Its Effect On The National Integration Of Pakistan
Ethnocentric Tribal Conflict in Former Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan
Human Rights Violations in Afghanistan after 9/11: A Postcolonial Critique
Role of Ethnicity in the Politics of Pakistan during Local Government Elections; A Case of Local Bodies Elections in Dera Ghazi Khan 1982-1998,
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: A Study of Indo-US Nexus to Sabotages CPEC.
Sri Lanka's Tamil Identity Crisis and the role of the Sri Lankan Government
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Government Policies for Socioeconomic Uplift of Pakistanis: A Study of Public Perception and Satisfaction.
Effectiveness of the Indian Lobby in the United States: Implications for Pakistan


Ombudsman, A historical Journey

2008-09 - 2009-09

Associated With: HEC

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The ombudsman institution has evolved in various nations over time. The first ombudsman was appointed in Sweden in 1809, and the office was modeled after the Swedish chancellor of justice, who had been responsible for investigating complaints against government officials since the 15th century. The ombudsman concept spread to other Scandinavian countries in the 19th century, and to other European countries in the 20th century.In the United States, the first ombudsman was appointed in 1967 by the state of Minnesota. Since then, ombudsmen have been appointed by many other states and by the federal government. Ombudsmen have also been appointed in other countries around the world, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa.The ombudsman institution has evolved in different ways in different countries. In some countries, ombudsmen have broad powers to investigate complaints and recommend changes to government policies and procedures. In other countries, ombudsmen have more limited powers. However, in all countries, the ombudsman institution plays an important role in protecting the rights of citizens and in ensuring that government officials are accountable to the public.

Issues of south punjab women in local bodes elections 2018

2022-08 - 2023-06

Associated With: ORIC, IUB

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In the 2018 local bodies elections in South Punjab, women faced a number of challenges. These included:Lack of access to education and information: Many women in South Punjab do not have access to education or information about the political process. This makes it difficult for them to participate in elections or to hold their elected representatives accountable.Social and cultural barriers: Women in South Punjab also face social and cultural barriers to participation in politics. These include pressure from family members to not participate in elections, and the threat of violence or harassment.Lack of financial resources: Women often lack the financial resources to run for office or to campaign effectively. This puts them at a disadvantage compared to male candidates.Despite these challenges, a number of women in South Punjab did win seats in the 2018 local bodies elections. These women are now working to address the issues that face their communities, such as poverty, lack of education, and violence against women.The challenges faced by women in South Punjab in the 2018 local bodies elections are indicative of the broader challenges facing women in Pakistani politics. However, the election of a number of women to office is a sign of progress, and these women are working to make a difference in their communities.

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