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Dr. Usman Zulfiqar
  • Dr. Usman Zulfiqar

  • Lecturer
    PhD Agronomy
  • usmanzulfiqar2664@gmail.com
  • 0300-8386165

Profile Summary

Dr. Usman Zulfiqar is currently working as Lecturer, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture & Environment, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. He earned his PhD degree in Agronomy from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Dr. Usman has published numerous research papers in renowned scientific journals with good impact factor. His primary research revolves around crop biofortification, plant-nutrient interactions, and soil conservation. He aims to enhance crop production on sustained basis to ensure food security by addressing yield-limiting factors (abiotic stresses) in field crops. His research focuses on the physiological and biochemical responses of crops to abiotic stress, plant-microbe interactions, and the soil-plant relationship.


DegreeBoard/UniversityYear of Passing
SSC (Matric) / O Levels ScienceBISE Bahawalpur2008-01-01
HSSC (Inter) / A Levels / DAE Pre MedicalBISE Bahawalpur2010-01-01
Bachelors (16 Years) AgronomyUniversity of Agriculture Faisalabad2014-01-01
M.Phil/MS (18 Years) AgronomyUniversity of Agriculture Faisalabad2016-01-01
PhD AgronomyUniversity of Agriculture, Faisalabad2020-01-01


Agriculture Officer (Ext.)Agriculture Department, Government of Punjab3 Years 7 Months 29 Days
LecturerThe Islamia University of BahawalpurSeptember, 2022 - Present


Optimizing row spacing for direct seeded aerobic rice under dry and moist fields
Light interception, radiation use efficiency and biomass accumulation response of maize to integrated nutrient management under drought stress conditions
A global perspective on the biology, impact and management of Chenopodium album and Chenopodium murale: two troublesome agricultural and environmental weeds
Lead toxicity in plants: Impacts and remediation
Iron nutrition improves productivity, profitability, and biofortification of bread wheat under conventional and conservation tillage systems
Biofortification of Rice with Iron and Zinc: Progress and Prospects
Alternate wetting and drying: A water-saving and ecofriendly rice production system
Foliar manganese supply enhances crop productivity, net benefits and grain manganese accumulation in direct seeded and puddled transplanted rice
Influence of water management techniques on milling recovery, grain quality and mercury uptake in different rice production systems.
Zinc nutrition to enhance rice productivity, zinc use efficiency, and grain biofortification under different production systems
Zinc-induced effects on productivity, zinc use efficiency and grain biofortification of bread wheat under different tillage permutations
Influence of nitrogen fertilization pattern on productivity, nitrogen use efficiencies, and profitability in different rice production systems.
Influence of nitrogen management regimes on milling recovery and grain quality of aromatic rice in different rice production systems
Manganese Supply Improves Bread Wheat Productivity, Economic Returns and Grain Biofortification under Conventional and No Tillage Systems
Improving heat stress tolerance in Camelina sativa and Brassica napus through thiourea seed priming
Carbon sequestration to avoid soil degradation: a review on the role of conservation tillage
Enhancing the accumulation and bioavailability of iron in rice grains via agronomic interventions
Thiourea application improves heat tolerance in camelina (Camelina sativa L. Crantz) by modulating gas exchange, antioxidant defense and osmoprotection
Cadmium toxicity in plants: Recent progress on morpho-physiological effects and remediation strategies
Aquaporins: A potential weapon in plants for abiotic stress tolerance. In Transporters and Plant Osmotic Stress
Differential morphophysiological, biochemical, and molecular responses of maize hybrids to salinity and alkalinity stresses
Comparative study of anaerobic and aerobic sewage water irrigation in two wheat cultivars (Shafaq-06 and Lasani-08)
Screening and adaptability of rice varieties for yield, milling recoveries, and quality traits under dry direct-seeded rice
Adaptation strategies to improve the resistance of oilseed crops to heat stress under a changing climate: An overview
Thiourea application increases seed and oil yields in Camelina under heat stress by modulating the plant water relations and antioxidant defense system
Economic assessment of water-saving irrigation management techniques and continuous flooded irrigation in different rice production systems.
Cadmium phytotoxicity, tolerance and advanced remediation approaches in agricultural soils; A comprehensive review
Methionine promotes the growth and yield of wheat under water deficit conditions by regulating the antioxidant enzymes, reactive oxygen species, and ions
Mitigating ammonia and greenhouse gaseous emission from arable land by co-application of zeolite and biochar
Thiourea application improves the growth and seed and oil yields in canola by modulating gas exchange, antioxidant defense, and osmoprotection under heat stress
Response of sorghum and millet to poultry and farmyard manure–based biochar treatments
Proline-induced modifications in morpho-physiological, biochemical and yield attributes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars under salt stress.
Biochar application for remediation of organic toxic pollutants in contaminated soils; An update.
Exogenous application of Atonik (sodium nitrophenolate) under skip irrigation regimes modulated the physiology, growth and productivity of Zea mays L.
Potential role of silicon in plants against biotic and abiotic stresses
Foliar application of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) improves the growth and yield of brown mustard (Brassica juncea) by modulating photosynthetic pigments, antioxidant defense, and osmolyte production under lead (Pb) stress
Changing Climate Scenario: Perspectives of Camelina sativa as Low-Input Biofuel and Oilseed Crop. Global Agricultural Production: Resilience to Climate Change
Chromium toxicity, speciation, and remediation strategies in soil-plant interface: A critical review
Evaluating optimum limited irrigation and integrated nutrient management strategies for wheat growth, yield and quality
Enhancing wheat growth and yield through salicylic acid-mediated regulation of gas exchange, antioxidant defense, and osmoprotection under salt stress.
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) induced improvements in the growth, photosynthesis, antioxidants, and nutrient uptake of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.).
Exogenous application of thiourea improves the growth, seed yield, and seed fatty acid profile in late sown camelina
Nickel (Ni) phytotoxicity and detoxification mechanisms: A review.
An overview of genome engineering in plants, including its scope, technologies, progress and grand challenges.
Screening and growth assessment of indigenous and exotic sesame genotypes under osmotic Stress.
Comparative analysis of growth and physiological responses of sugarcane elite genotypes to water stress and sandy loam soils
Synergistic effects of rhizobacteria and salicylic acid on maize salt-stress tolerance.
Phenylalanine supply alleviates the drought stress in mustard (Brassica campestris) by modulating plant growth, photosynthesis and antioxidant defense system.
Unraveling the synergistic effects of microbes and selenium in alleviating drought stress in Camelina sativa L.
Microbial phytoremediation of chromium-contaminated soil with biogas slurry for enhancing the performance of Vigna radiata L.
Exogenously applied potassium enhanced morpho-physiological growth and drought tolerance of wheat by alleviating osmotic imbalance and oxidative damage
Changes in nitrogen-related performance attributes of winter wheat varieties released between 1950 and 2020 in dryland region of China
Cotton and drought stress: An updated overview for improving stress tolerance
The global trend of nanomaterial usage to control the important agricultural arthropod pests: A comprehensive review
Genetic modification strategies for enhancing plant resilience to abiotic stresses in the context of climate change
Recent advances in microbial-assisted remediation of cadmium-contaminated soil.
Investigating the dynamic responses of Aegilops tauschii coss to salinity, drought, and nitrogen stress: A comprehensive study of competitive growth, biochemical and molecular pathways


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