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Dr. Muhammad Waqas Maharvi
  • Dr. Muhammad Waqas Maharvi

  • Assistant Professor
    PhD in Management Sciences
  •  https://pk.linkedin.com/public-profile/in/dr-muhammad-waqas-maharvi-13731616?challengeId=AQE8NXi0NDAy8wAAAXN80vwPYvjEKxk


Dr. Muhammad Waqas Maharvi has done his PhD (Management Sciences) and MS (Management Sciences) from COMSATS University Islamabad(CUI). He has done his BS (Information Technology) from Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan with distinction. He visited Japan under the Kizuna Program of  Tokyo and delivered the lectures at The University of Tokyo and Yokohama National University. He was awarded the “Best Paper Award” in an International Conference on Trends in Economics, Humanities and Management, (ICTEHM'14) at Pattaya,Thailand. He has been teaching diversified subjects like Performance and Career Management, Research Methodology, Human Resource Management,  Organizational Behavior and Leadership etc. at graduate and undergraduate levels. His research interests include Performance Management,Human Resource Development and Leadership.

Address:Department of Management and HRM, Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

Research Interests

Performance Management, Organizational Behaviors, Human Resource Management and Leadership

Awards and Honors

Exchange Program for JAPAN –Kizuna Program of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan (2012)

Best Paper Award 
International Conference on Trends in Economics, Humanities and Management 
International Center of Economics, Humanities and Management (2014)
Indigenous Scholarship PhD (2012-2016)
Higher Education Commission, Pakistan 

Certificate of Appreciation 
Disaster Management Committee and COMSATS Blood Donation Society
COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan (2017-2018)
Honorarium  for Best Teacher
COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan (2011-2012)


1.    Maharvi, M. W, & Kumar, A., (2018). Individualism versus collectivism orientation as     moderator between co-workers’ social support and work to family enrichment, Journal of   Accounting-Business and Management (JABM), 25(2), 1-9.

2.    Maharvi, M. W., & Kumar, A., (2018). Work to family enrichment as mediator between organizational support and employees’ performance. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 12(2), 638-650.

3.    Maharvi, M. W., & Kumar, A., (2018). Contesting effects of work family conflict and enrichment on life satisfaction, International Academy of Business and Economics, 18(3), 17-24.

4.    Maharvi, M. W. & Iqbal, M. Z. (2015). Linking appraisal characteristics to effectiveness of performance appraisal. NICE Research Journal of Social Science. ISSN: 2219-4282, 8(2), 31-48.

5.    Maharvi, M. W., & Iqbal, M. Z. (2010). An empirical analysis of the relationship between characteristics and formative evaluation of training. International Business Research, 4(1), 273.

Conference Papers

1.    Maharvi, M. W., Iqbal, M. Z., & Ullah, M. I. (2014). Effectiveness of performance appraisal system: A proposed model with empirical evidence from the government of Punjab, Pakistan, International Conference on Trends in Economics, Humanities and Management (ICTEHM’14) Aug (pp. 13-14).

2.    Maharvi, M. W. & Iqbal, M. Z. (2013), Concept paper on effective performance appraisal, 5th South Asian International Conference on Management, Innovation, Leadership, Economics and Strategy  (SAICON) 2013, Pearl Continental Hotel, Bhurban, Pakistan

3.    Maharvi, M. W. (2014), Financial barriers to female entrepreneurs, 2nd Global Forum on Islamic Finance (GFIF), 2014, Pearl Continental Hotel, Bhurban, Pakistan

4.    Maharvi, M. W. (2014), Motivation behind the female entrepreneurs, 2nd National Conference on Advancement in Sciences and Research 2014, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus Pakistan.

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