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Dr. Zia-ur- Rehman
  • Dr. Zia-ur- Rehman

  • Associate Professor
    DVM, MPhil, PhD (Massey, NZ), PostDoc (MUG, Austria)


Coming from a farming background, I studied veterinary sciences at University of Veterinary and Animal Science (UVAS), Lahore-Pakistan and continued to do masters (M. Phil) in clinical medicine. After a brief spell in rural private practice, I joined UVAS as Lecturer in Medicine and later Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan-Pakistan as Lecturer in Clinical Sciences. I received my PhD in nematode physiology from Institute of Veterinary, Animal & BioMedical Sciences (IVABS) Massey University, New Zealand in 2015. During doctoral studies I served as student representative of Doctoral Research Committee of Massey University (highest forum of policy making, conflict resolution and day to day matters of doctoral students of Massey University) and also worked as lab demonstrator in different Vet and Pre-Vet courses. Prior to joining UVAS as Assistant professor of physiology in 2016, I worked as post-doctoral research fellow at Institute of Pathophysiology and Immunology, Medical University of Graz, Austria.

I have a commitment to quality teaching, believing that I am responsible, at least in part, for my students' learning

Address:Department of Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Baghdad ul Jadeed Campus, IUB

Awards and Honors

Merit Scholarship during DVM

Partial PhD Scholarship at Massey University, NZ

Research grant for PG students IVABS, Massey University

Travel grant for research students IVABS, Massey University

OeAD-GMBH Austria Post-Doctoral fellowship at Medical University of Gaz, Austria


International: 18

National: 04


Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council

Pakistan Physiological Society

Council of Asian Science Editors

Massey University Alumni

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