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Call for Interviews of Absentees (Honhaar Undergraduate Scholarship)


 All the absentees as per the list attached that were called for final verification/scrutiny of Honhaar Undergraduate Program but did not appear before the committee, can appear before the Honhaar Undergraduate Grievance Redressal Committee with all the required documents as per their actual interview schedule upto 28-November-2024 (Thrusday) during office hours in Directorate of Financial Assistance, Syed Tabish Alwari Building, Baghdad Ul Jadeed Campus.

List of Required Documents:

1. CNIC Attested Photo-Copy of Student and Father/Guardian and Original
2. Domicile Attested Photo-Copy and Original
3. Matric Degree and Result Card/Mark Sheet Attested Photo-Copy and Original
4. Intermediate Degree and Result Card/Mark Sheet Attested Photo-Copy and Original
5. Honhaar Scholarship Application Form Print
6. First Semester Fee Challan Photo-Copy
7. Original Income Affidavit on Approved Honhaar Scholarship Template and Salary Slip (If Applicable)
8. FBR Tax Returns for Financial Year 2023-24 (If Applicable)
(A)  Documents as stated above are mandatory (Including Original Documents) and applicant shall not be allowed to appear before Grievance Redressal Committee in case any document is missing.

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