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Certificate in Applied Data Analysis in Research


This certificate course is designed and developed keeping in view the needs of Research Students of Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities, Education, etc.


Statistical techniques are the tools that are increasingly being used for analyzing the data in empirical research studies in every field of knowledge. Therefore, how to apply such methods and techniques is indispensably required by the researchers to handle data efficiently.

Fear of Statistics:

Applying statistics is generally considered a difficult task because it involves a multistage procedure and a lot of complex computation that require a good knowledge of mathematical operations.

This Course has Resolved the Fear of Statistics:

This course is so designed that has made it easy to learn how to use statistics in data analysis in research by focusing on:

  1. Understanding the nature of data

  2. Selection of appropriate statistical test (important decision-making skill)

  3. Doing the computation by computer software (no need of learning complex formulas and calculation process)

  4. Interpretation of results (skill to explore the meaning that is the goal of your research)

Teaching Strategy:

Learning Environment:



Two Weeks


A certificate will be awarded to the students at the end of completion of course.

Course Teachers:

Dr. Muhammad Waheed (Ph.D-Austria)

Dr. Zafar Iqbal (Ph.D-New Zeeland)

Department:Educational Research and Evaluation (Faculty of Education), IUB

Link for Registration: Apply Here

For Futher Information, Please Contact: 03055409402

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