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IUB hosted the webinar on The Nature of a Cyst Nematode Population Suppression

PRO No. 355/PR
Date: 11/06/2021
Public Relations Office
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur hosted the webinar on “The Nature of a Cyst Nematode Population Suppression" in association with Pakistan Phytopathological Society. The webinar was conducted to highlight the importance of the cyst nematode problem in sugar crops. Sugar beet is an important cash crop of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtoon Khawah (KPK). It is considered to be an alternate of sugarcane of the region. Growing over an area of 1.1 million hectares, sugarcane contributes 0.5% to Pakistan’s GDP and is the most important cash crop after cotton. Sugar beet is facing a serious problem of plant-parasitic nematodes that are responsible for losses in the production. In Pakistan, the nematode problem is more serious and complex than in the developed countries which is due to several issues as Pakistan is a tropical country where the climate is suitable for the activity and reproduction of nematodes throughout the year which is supported by the sandy and warm soils that are very favourable for nematode development especially in irrigated areas, where these crops are commonly planted. Perennial crops and crops grown in the same field year after year are often heavily attacked by nematodes. Keeping in view the high threat of cyst nematode on sugar beet, the webinar was focused to understand the nature of the problem and its management. Vice-Chancellor, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB) Engr. Prof. Dr. Athar Mahboob was the Chief Guest and Pro-Vice-Chancellor, IUB, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Dean Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Registrar, Prof. Dr. Moazzam Jamil, Dean Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Punjab, Prof Dr. Saleem Haider, President Pakistan Phytopathological Society Prof. Dr. Tariq Mukhtar joined the event as honorable guests. The event was arranged by Dr. Muhammad Naveed Aslam Malghani, Chairman Dept of Plant Pathology, IUB, and the session was moderated by the Faculty members Miss Ambreen Maqsood, Dr. Taimoor Shakeel, and Dr. Anam Moosa. Dr. Muhammad Naveed Aslam said that the response from the scientific community towards the series of International Webinars is fabulous as we are having 1312 registered participants for this webinar from across the world. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dean Faculty of Agriculture, appreciated the efforts of the Department of Plant Pathology and said that it is a great opportunity for Plant Pathologists to share their knowledge on important subject. Prof. Dr. Moazzam Jamil, Registrar, appreciated highly productive series of webinar on important aspects of Plant Pathology with a massive number of participants from across the world. Vice Chancellor Engr. Prof. Dr. Athar Mahboob said that such a massive response reflects that the Islamia University of Bahawalpur is putting all its efforts for addressing the issues related to various crops in the field of agriculture. Prof. Dr. Ole Becker delivered his talk on “The Nature of a Cyst Nematode Population Suppression". He talked about the history of sugar beet and the discovery of the beet cyst nematode and its management, with reference to suppressive soils. Prof. Dr. Tariq Mukhtar Chairman Department of Plant Pathology Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University and President Pakistan Phytopathological Society/ Pakistan Nematological Society concluded the session and emphasized the importance of suppressive soils in the management of plant-parasitic nematodes. He underscored that we are growing sugar beet in Pakistan and the sugar beet cyst nematode and root knot nematodes are becoming serious issues in these crops therefore, we need to look forward to cope with the nematode challenges in Pakistan. He emphasized that the nematology society of both the Pakistan and United States of America should collaborate and make joint efforts for the management of cyst nematodes. Prof. Dr. Saleem Haider Dean Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Punjab mentioned in his message that such activities are the need of the time and appreciated the faculty.

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-11 at 5.11.46 PM

پی آر او نمبر355/21، مورخہ 11-06-2021
پبلک ریلیشنز آفس، اسلامیہ یونیورسٹی بہاول پور
شعبہ پلانٹ پتھالوجی ایگریکلچر فیکلٹی اسلامیہ یونیورسٹی بہاولپورکے زیر اہتمام آن لائن سیمینار میں دنیا بھر سے 1312ماہرین، محققین اور طلباء وطالبات نے شرکت کی۔ پاکستان پتھالوجیکل سوسائٹی کے اشتراک سے منعقد ہونے والے سیمینار میں گنے اور چقندر کی فصل میں سِسٹ نیماٹوڈکے مسئلے سے متعلق آگاہی فراہم کی۔ گنا اور چقندرپنجاب اور خیبرپختونخواہ میں ایک اہم نقد آور فصل کے طور پر کاشت کی جارہی ہے۔ یہ فصل 1.1ملین ہیکٹر رقبے پر کاشت کی جاتی ہے اور پاکستان کے ڈی جی پی کا 0.5فیصد ہے۔ ماہرین نے اس فصل سے متعلق بیماریوں سے نمٹنے کے لیے آگاہی فراہم کی۔ اس موقع پر وائس چانسلر پروفیسر ڈاکٹر اطہر محبوب نے اتنی بڑی تعداد میں آن لائن سیمینار میں شرکت کرنے والے ماہرین، محققین، فیکلٹی ممبران اور طلباء و طالبات کو سراہا۔ سیمینار میں پرووائس چانسلر پروفیسر ڈاکٹر محمد اشرف، پروفیسر ڈاکٹر محمد اقبال ڈین فیکلٹی آف ایگریکلچر، پروفیسر ڈاکٹر معظم جمیل رجسٹرار، پروفیسر ڈاکٹر سلیم حیدرڈین فیکلٹی آف ایگریکلچر یونیورسٹی آف پنجاب،ڈاکٹر طارق مختار صدر پاکستان پتھالوجیکل سوسائٹی موجود تھے۔میزبانی کے فرائض ڈاکٹر نوید ملغانی صدر شعبہ پلانٹ پتھالوجی نے سرانجام دیئے۔

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