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Hostel Allotment procedure in Boys Hostels for Spring 2022 Semester 


  1. IUB Boys Hostels have commenced issuing challan forms for hostel allotment and shall continue on daily basis during office hours at Executive Hostel, Baghdad ul Jadeed Campus until all seats are filled.
  2. Due to severe scarcity of space the allotment shall purely be on first come first serve basis.
  3. Once all seats are filled, the allotment process shall halt automatically irrespective of left out students.
  4. All new students seeking fresh allotment in boys hostels are required in person to obtain challan forms directly from Executive Hostel, Baghdad ul Jadeed Campus and pay in any online HBL branch.
  5. The continuing students may obtain their challans directly from their hostels.
  6. The Accounts copy of the paid challan may be submitted to Executive Hostel to ensure their allotment application to be processed. The students will process allotment application & undertakings duly signed & stamped by Chairperson/H.O.Ds/Principals of the respective Department/College to finalize their allotment.
  7. After completing the codal formalities for allotment from the departments, the student may approach the hostel administration for subsequent allotment. 
  8. Hostel dues for the Spring Semester 2022 are as under:-

For new Students

For Continuing students

13600.00+4,000.00(Refundable Security) = Rs. 17,600.00

Rs. 13,400.00


             Hostel dues are required to be paid once for the entire semester.

  1. Only the first semester & fifth semester ADP students shall be given space.



  1. In case of any query regarding allotment in boys hostels, the following number may be reached during office hours: 03007805468 or 03401166070.




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