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Bachelor in Fine Art & Design (M)


Course Description

Course Outline

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS-01101 LDrawing-I-LAB0
ARTS-01102 LBasic Design-LAB0
ARTS-01103 L3D Study-LAB0
ARTS-00106Islamic Studies3
ARTS-00104Everyday Science3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS-01201 LDrawing-II-LAB0
ARTS-01203Basic Design-II3
ARTS-012043D Study –I3
ARTS-01205History of Art -II3
ARTS-01206 LVisual Art-II-LAB0
ARTS-01203.Visual art0
ARTS-00204Basic health awareness3
ARTS-00206Pak studies3
ARTS-01202 History of Art-I3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS-01301Drawing – III0
VCMD-03302Fundamental of Visual Communication Design0
TEXD-03303Fundamental of Textile0
ARTS-00304Constitutional and legal system of Pakistan3
ARTS-00305IT Skills0
ARTS-00306English III (communication skills)3
INTR-03302Space planning and Human Factor 3
INTR-03303Fundamental of Interior design3
PNTG-03302Fundamentals of Painting 0
PRTM-03303Fundamentals of Print Making 0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS-01401Drawing –IV0
FSHD -03402Fundamental of Fashion Design0
CRMD-03403Fundamental of Ceramics0
ARTS-00404Critical Thinking & Reasoning3
ARTS-01405History of Arts-II3
INTR-03402Presentation techniques of interior Design3
INTR-03403Perspective Making3
MINP-03402Fundamentals of Miniature Painting 0
SCPT-03403Fundamentals of Sculpture0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS-01301Drawing – III0
VCMD-03302Fundamental of Visual Communication Design0
TEXD-03303Fundamental of Textile0
ARTS-00304Constitutional and legal system of Pakistan3
ARTS-00305IT Skills0
ARTS-00306English III (communication skills)3
INTR-03302Space planning and Human Factor 3
INTR-03303Fundamental of Interior design3
PNTG-03302Fundamentals of Painting 0
PRTM-03303Fundamentals of Print Making 0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS-01401Drawing –IV0
FSHD -03402Fundamental of Fashion Design0
CRMD-03403Fundamental of Ceramics0
ARTS-00404Critical Thinking & Reasoning3
ARTS-01405History of Arts-II3
INTR-03402Presentation techniques of interior Design3
INTR-03403Perspective Making3
MINP-03402Fundamentals of Miniature Painting 0
SCPT-03403Fundamentals of Sculpture0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS -01501Drawing-V3
VCMD-03502Introduction to Advanced Photography3
VCMD-03503Visual Language Synthetic3
VCMD-03504Studies in Typography3
ARTS-01505History of Arts-III3
CAD-01404Elective Studio Minor-I0
CRMD-03502Mold making and slip casting3
CRMD-03503Wheel Thrown Ceramics-I3
CRMD-03504Ceramic sculpture 3
FSHD -03502Basic Hand Sewing3
FSHD -03503Pattern Making-I3
FSHD-03504Fashion Studio-I3
ARTS-01506History of Arts-III3
INTR-03502Interior Design-I3
INTR -03503Material and Construction 3
INTR -03504Surface treatment/ furniture Design3
MINP-03502Islamic Geometric Pattern3
MINP-03503Techniques of Miniature-I3
MINP-03504Tool preparation-I3
PNTG-03502Techniques of Painting-I0
PNTG-03503Painting with Observation-I 0
PNTG-03504Objective Painting0
PRTM-03502Planographic Printing0
PRTM-03503Collagraph Printing0
PRTM-03504Screen Printing0
SCPT -03502Classical Sculpture0
SCPT -03503Molding & Fabrication0
SCPT -03504Sculpting life form0
TEXD-03502Textile Print Design 3
TEXD-03503Weave Design Studio 3
TEXD-03504Textile Embroidery &Embellishment 3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS -01601Drawing-VI3
VCMD-03602Media Technology3
VCMD-03603Visual Ergonomics& Human Perception-I3
VCMD-03604Semantics and Communication 3
VCMD-03605History of Visual Communication Design 3
CAD-01505 .....Elective Studio Minor-II 0
CRMD-03602Fabrication in Clay3
CRMD-03603Wheel Thrown Ceramics-II3
CRMD-03604Ceramic Studio-I3
CRMD-03605History of Ceramic Design 3
FSHD-03602Machine Sewing-I3
FSHD -03603Pattern Making-II3
FSHD -03604Fashion Studio-II3
INTR -03602Interior Design-II3
INTR -03603Lighting for interior spaces3
INTR -03604Detailing and fabrication 3
INTR-03605History of Interior Design3
MINP-03603Techniques of Miniature-II3
MINP-03604Tool preparation-II3
MINP-03605History of Miniature Painting 3
PNTG-03602Techniques of Painting-II 3
PNTG-03603Painting with Observation-II 3
PNTG-03604Subjective Painting3
PNTG-03605History of Painting 3
PRTM-03602Relief Printing 0
PRTM-03603Intaglio Printing 0
PRTM-03604Viscosity Printing 0
PRTM-03605History of Print Making3
SCPT -03602Site specific Sculpture0
SCPT -03603Digital Sculpture0
SCPT -03604Ceramic Sculpture0
SCPT-03606History of Sculpture 3
TEXD-03602Digital Textile3
TEXD-03603Textile Strategies & Environment 3
TEXD-03604Textile Product Development3
TEXD-03605History of Textile Design3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
VCMD-03701Visual Design3
VCMD-03702Visual Ergonomics& Human Perception II3
VCMD-03703Arts Design and Society3
ARTS-01704Contemporary Art Seminar0
ARTS------Elective Studio Minor – III3
CRMD-03701Baking &Glazing3
CRMD-03702Contemporary Issues in Clay 3
CRMD-03703Ceramic Studio Clay-II3
FSHD-03701Machine Sewing-II3
FSHD-03703Fashion Studio-III3
INTR -03701Interior Design-III3
INTR -03702Model making 3
INTR -03703Wall, ceiling and Floor treatments 3
MINP -03701Calligraphy3
MINP -03702Contemporary Miniature3
MINP -03703Techniques of Miniature-III3
PNTG-03701Conceptual Painting3
PNTG-03702Advanced Painting3
PNTG-03703Contemporary Painting3
PRTM-03701Reductive Relief Printing0
PRTM-03702Advanced Intaglio Printing0
PRTM-03703Digital Printing0
SCPT -03701Contemporary Trend in 3D Art0
SCPT -03702Advance Sculpture -I0
SCPT -03703Advance Sculpture -II0
TEXD-03701Design Execution 3
TEXD-03702Design Development for Home & Apparel 3
TEXD-03703Experimental & Constructive Textiles3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
VCMD-03801Research and Development 3
VCMD-03802Concept and Ideation 3
CRMD-03801Research and Development 3
CRMD-03802Concept and Ideation 3
FSHD-03801Research and Development 3
FSHD-03802Concept and Ideation 3
INTR-03801Research and Development 3
INTR-03802Concept and Ideation 3
INTR-03803Thesis/ Project 3
MINP-03801Research and Development 3
MINP-03802Concept and Ideation 3
MINP-03803Thesis/ Project 3
PNTG-03801Research and Development 3
PNTG-03802Concept and Ideation 3
PNTG-03803Thesis/ Project 3
PRTM-03801Research and Development 0
PRTM-03802Concept and Ideation 0
PRTM-03803Thesis/ Project 0
SCPT-03801Research and Development0
SCPT-03802Concept and Ideation0
SCPT-03803Thesis/ Project0
TEXD-03801Research and Development 3
TEXD-03802Concept and Ideation 3
TEXD-03803Thesis/Project 3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS-01101 LDrawing-I-LAB0
ARTS-01102 LBasic Design-LAB0
ARTS-01103 L3D Study-LAB0
ARTS-00106Islamic Studies3
ARTS-00104Everyday Science3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS-01201 LDrawing-II-LAB0
ARTS-01203Basic Design-II3
ARTS-012043D Study –I3
ARTS-01205History of Art -II3
ARTS-01206 LVisual Art-II-LAB0
ARTS-01203.Visual art0
ARTS-00204Basic health awareness3
ARTS-00206Pak studies3
ARTS-01202 History of Art-I3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ARTS-01101 LDrawing-I-LAB0
ARTS-01102 LBasic Design-LAB0
ARTS-01103 L3D Study-LAB0
ARTS-00106Islamic Studies3
ARTS-00104Everyday Science3

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