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BSc (Hons) Agriculture(M)


Course Description

Course Outline

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
FRW-501Principles of Forestry and Watersheds2
FRW-503Range Management2
FRW-505Social Forestry Systems2
FRW-507Vertebrate Pest Management2
FRW-509Forest Ecology and Silviculture2
FMP-501Farm Mechanization2
FMP-501Farm Mechanization2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
FRW-502Forest and Rangeland Utilization3
FRW-504Mountain Forestry and Watershed Management3
FRW-506Wildlife and Ecosystems3
FRW-508Forest Biometrics2
I & D-502Irrigation and Drainage Practices2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
FRW-601Wood Science3
FRW-603Forest / Range / Wildlife Policies and Laws4
FRW-605Afforestation of Degraded Lands2
FRW-607Bio-diversity and Environment2
FRW-611Preparation Research Methods and Scientific Writing1
AEE-601Communication Skills and Leadership Development1
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
FRW-602Wildlife Management and Research3
FRW-604Participatory Forestry2
FRW-606Environmental Forestry1
FRW-608-LInternship / Research Project LAB0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
FRW-502Forest and Rangeland Utilization3
FRW-504Mountain Forestry and Watershed Management3
FRW-506Wildlife and Ecosystems3
FRW-508Forest Biometrics2
I & D-502Irrigation and Drainage Practices2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
FRW-601Wood Science3
FRW-603Forest / Range / Wildlife Policies and Laws4
FRW-605Afforestation of Degraded Lands2
FRW-607Bio-diversity and Environment2
FRW-611Preparation Research Methods and Scientific Writing1
AEE-601Communication Skills and Leadership Development1
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
FRW-501Principles of Forestry and Watersheds2
FRW-503Range Management2
FRW-505Social Forestry Systems2
FRW-507Vertebrate Pest Management2
FRW-509Forest Ecology and Silviculture2
FMP-501Farm Mechanization2
FMP-501Farm Mechanization2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
AGR-301Basic Agriculture2
FRW-301Introduction to Forestry and Watershed Management2
AS-301Introduction to Animal Sciences1
AE-301Introduction to Agriculture Economics1
IS-301Islamic Studies OR Ethics (for Foreigner / Non Muslims2
AGR-301Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
SS-301Introduction to Soil Science2
FST-301Introduction to Food Science1
FRW-301Forestry and Range Management2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ENT-302Introductory Entomology2
SS-302Introduction to Agricultural Chemistry2
AEE-302Introduction to Agri. Extension Education2
STAT-302Statistics I2
PS-302Pakistan Studies2
ENG-302Exercises in Reading, Comprehension and Communication Skills2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
AGR-301Basic Agriculture2
FRW-301Introduction to Forestry and Watershed Management2
AS-301Introduction to Animal Sciences1
AE-301Introduction to Agriculture Economics1
IS-301Islamic Studies OR Ethics (for Foreigner / Non Muslims2
AGR-301Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
SS-301Introduction to Soil Science2
FST-301Introduction to Food Science1
FRW-301Forestry and Range Management2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
HORT-401Introductory Horticulture2
PP-401Introduction to Plant Pathogens2
PBG-401Introductory Genetics2
ENT-401Applied Entomology2
AGR-401Field Crop Production-I2
MAB-401Introduction to Agribusiness and WTO1
AGR-401Field Crop Production-I2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ENT-302Introductory Entomology2
SS-302Introduction to Agricultural Chemistry2
AEE-302Introduction to Agri. Extension Education2
STAT-302Statistics I2
PS-302Pakistan Studies2
ENG-302Exercises in Reading, Comprehension and Communication Skills2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
HORT-401Introductory Horticulture2
PP-401Introduction to Plant Pathogens2
PBG-401Introductory Genetics2
ENT-401Applied Entomology2
AGR-401Field Crop Production-I2
MAB-401Introduction to Agribusiness and WTO1
AGR-401Field Crop Production-I2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ENT-302Introductory Entomology2
SS-302Introduction to Agricultural Chemistry2
AEE-302Introduction to Agri. Extension Education2
STAT-302Statistics I2
PS-302Pakistan Studies2
ENG-302Exercises in Reading, Comprehension and Communication Skills2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
AGR-301Basic Agriculture2
FRW-301Introduction to Forestry and Watershed Management2
AS-301Introduction to Animal Sciences1
AE-301Introduction to Agriculture Economics1
IS-301Islamic Studies OR Ethics (for Foreigner / Non Muslims2
AGR-301Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
SS-301Introduction to Soil Science2
FST-301Introduction to Food Science1
FRW-301Forestry and Range Management2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ENT-302Introductory Entomology2
SS-302Introduction to Agricultural Chemistry2
AEE-302Introduction to Agri. Extension Education2
STAT-302Statistics I2
PS-302Pakistan Studies2
ENG-302Exercises in Reading, Comprehension and Communication Skills2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
HORT-401Introductory Horticulture2
PP-401Introduction to Plant Pathogens2
PBG-401Introductory Genetics2
ENT-401Applied Entomology2
AGR-401Field Crop Production-I2
MAB-401Introduction to Agribusiness and WTO1
AGR-401Field Crop Production-I2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
AGR-402Field Crop Production-II2
PBG-402Introductory Plant Breeding2
PP-402Introductory Plant Pathology2
STAT-402Designs of Experiments3
CS-402Computer Science and Information Technology1
HORT-402Horticultural Crop Production2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
FRW-501Principles of Forestry and Watersheds2
FRW-503Range Management2
FRW-505Social Forestry Systems2
FRW-507Vertebrate Pest Management2
FRW-509Forest Ecology and Silviculture2
FMP-501Farm Mechanization2
FMP-501Farm Mechanization2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
AGR-301Basic Agriculture2
FRW-301Introduction to Forestry and Watershed Management2
AS-301Introduction to Animal Sciences1
AE-301Introduction to Agriculture Economics1
IS-301Islamic Studies OR Ethics (for Foreigner / Non Muslims2
AGR-301Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
SS-301Introduction to Soil Science2
FST-301Introduction to Food Science1
FRW-301Forestry and Range Management2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ENT-302Introductory Entomology2
SS-302Introduction to Agricultural Chemistry2
AEE-302Introduction to Agri. Extension Education2
STAT-302Statistics I2
PS-302Pakistan Studies2
ENG-302Exercises in Reading, Comprehension and Communication Skills2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
HORT-401Introductory Horticulture2
PP-401Introduction to Plant Pathogens2
PBG-401Introductory Genetics2
ENT-401Applied Entomology2
AGR-401Field Crop Production-I2
MAB-401Introduction to Agribusiness and WTO1
AGR-401Field Crop Production-I2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
AGR-402Field Crop Production-II2
PBG-402Introductory Plant Breeding2
PP-402Introductory Plant Pathology2
STAT-402Designs of Experiments3
CS-402Computer Science and Information Technology1
HORT-402Horticultural Crop Production2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ENT-302Introductory Entomology2
SS-302Introduction to Agricultural Chemistry2
AEE-302Introduction to Agri. Extension Education2
STAT-302Statistics I2
PS-302Pakistan Studies2
ENG-302Exercises in Reading, Comprehension and Communication Skills2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2
C.PHY-302Introduction to Physiology of Crop Plants2

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