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BS Islamic Studies with specialization in Quranic Studies (M)


Course Description

Course Outline

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
QST-01101Intermediate English-I (C-1) (Non Credit)3
QST-01102English-I (Structure) (C-2)3
QST-01103General Mathematics (C-3)3
QST-01104Islamic Studies Compulsary (C-4) اسلامیات لازمی2
QST-01105Arabic (F-1) عربی3
QST-01106IT Skills (C-5)3
QST-01107Islamic History (G-1) تاریخ اسلام3
QST-01101Intermediate English-I (C-1) (Non Credit)3
QST-01102English-I (Structure) (C-2)3
QST-01103General Mathematics (C-3)3
QST-01104Islamic Studies Compulsary (C-4) اسلامیات لازمی2
QST-01105Arabic (F-1) عربی3
QST-01106IT Skills (C-5)3
QST-01107Islamic History (G-1) تاریخ اسلام3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
QST-01201Intermediate English-II (C-6)3
QST-01202English –II (Literature) (C-7)3
QST-01203Pakistan Studies (C-8)3
QST-01204Everyday Science (G-2)3
QST-01205Basic Health Awareness (G-3)3
QST-01206Constitutional and Legal System of Pakistan (G-4)3
QST-01207Social Science (G-5)3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
QST-01301English –III (Communication Skills) (C-9)3
QST-01302Economics (G-6)3
QST-01303Psychology (G-7)3
QST-01304Social Work (G-8)3
QST-01305International Relations (G-9)3
QST-01306Islamic Mode of Communication (F-2) اسلامی ذرائع ابلاغ3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
QST-01401Critical Thinking and Reasoning (G-10) نقد واستدلال3
QST-01402Arabic Functional (F-3) روز مرہ عربی زبان3
QST-01403Introduction to Quranic Studies (M-1) تعارف مطالعہ قرآن3
QST-01404History of Hadith (F-4) تاریخ حدیث3
QST-01405History of Islamic Jurisprudence (F-5) تاریخ فقہ اسلامی3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
QST-01501Textual Study of Quran (Ilm-ul-Aqaid) (M-2)مطالعہ متن قرآن3
QST-01502Biography of The Holy Prophet (F-6) سیرت النبیﷺ3
QST-01503Foundations of Islamic Jurisprudence (F-7) مبادیاتِ اصول فقہ3
QST-01504Principles of Hadith (F-8) اصولِ حدیث3
QST-01505Study of World Religions (F-9) مطالعہ مذاہبِ عالم3
QST-01506Qur’anic Grammar & Tajweed (M-3) قرآنی گرائمر اور تجوید3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
QST-01601Legal Study of Qur’an (M-4) مطالعہ احکام القرآن3
QST-01602Textual Study of Hadith (F-10) متنِ حدیث3
QST-01603Al-Dawah wa Al-Irshad (F-11) الدعوۃ والارشاد3
QST-01604Political and Economic thoughts of Islam (F-12)3
QST-01605Muslim History of Subcontinent (F-13 برصغیر کی مسلم تاریخ )3
QST-01606Arabic Literature (F-14) ادبِ عربی3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
QST-01701Translation and Tafseer e Qur’an-I (M-5) ترجمہ وتفسیر قرآن3
QST-01702The Sources of Tafseer & Modern Trends of Tafseer (M-6)3
QST-01703Principles of Translation & Tafseer (M-7 اصولِ ترجمہ و تفسیر3
QST-01704Uloom ul Quran-1 (M-8) علوم القرآن۔13
QST-01705Research Methodology (G-11) اسالیبِ تحقیق3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
QST-01801Translations & Tafseer e Quran II (M-9) ترجمہ و تفسیر قرآن۔13
QST-01801Translations & Tafseer e Quran II (M-9) ترجمہ و تفسیر قرآن۔13
QST-01802Translations & Tafaseer e Quran in Sub-Continent (M-10)3
QST-01803Uloom ul Quran-II (M-11) علوم القرآن۔113
QST-01804Quran and Orientalists (M-12) قرآن اورمستشرقین3
QST-01805Thesis / Research Project3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
QST-01301English –III (Communication Skills) (C-9)3
QST-01302Economics (G-6)3
QST-01303Psychology (G-7)3
QST-01304Social Work (G-8)3
QST-01305International Relations (G-9)3
QST-01306Islamic Mode of Communication (F-2) اسلامی ذرائع ابلاغ3

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