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BS Intelligent Systems and Robotics (M)


Course Description

Course Outline

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
MATH-0001Calculus & Analytical Geometry3
COMP-0102Programming Fundamentals3
PAKS-0003Pakistan Studies3
ISLA-0004Islamic Studies2
ENGL-0005Functional English3
ELEN-01106.Circuit Analysis3
COMP-0102LProgramming Fundamentals Lab0
ELEN-01106L.Circuit Analysis Lab0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
MATH-0007Linear Algebra3
ELEN-0108LDigital Logic Design Lab0
ELEN-0108Digital Logic Design3
ENGL-0009Communication Skills3
COMP-0111LObject Oriented Programming Lab0
COMP-0111Object Oriented Programming3
PHY-0010LBasic Mechanics Lab0
PHY-0010Basic Mechanics3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
MATH-0014Differential Equations3
SOCI-0350Professional Ethics3
SOCI-0352Critical Thinking3
SOCI-0353Organizational Behavior3
SOCI-0354Professional Psychology3
MATH-0012Numerical Methods2
MATH-0012LNumerical Methods LAB0
COMP-0113Data Structures and Algorithms3
COMP-0113LData Structures and Algorithms LAB0
ELEN-0115Electronic Devices and Circuits3
ELEN-0115LElectronic Devices and Circuits LAB0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
MGMT-0340Principles of Management3
MGMT-0341Principles of Economics3
MGMT-0342Total Quality Management3
MGMT-0343Project Management3
MGMT-0345Human Resource Management3
ISR-0221Computational Cognitive Sciences3
COMP-0222Operating Systems3
COMP-0222LOperating Systems LAB0
ISR-0223Introduction to Machine Learning3
ISR-0223LIntroduction to Machine Learning LAB0
ELEN-0124Control Systems3
ELEN-0124LControl Systems LAB0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ISR-0360Expert Systems3
ISR-0361Design of Digital Systems3
ISR-0361LDesign of Digital Systems LAB0
ISR-0362Robotics and Intelligent Systems3
ISR-0363Information Security & Cryptography 3
ISR-0364High Performance Computing3
ISR-0364LHigh Performance Computing LAB0
ISR-0365Digital Image Processing3
ISR-0365LDigital Image Processing LAB0
ISR-0366Graph Theory3
ISR-0366LGraph Theory LAB0
ISR-0367Software Engineering3
ISR-0368IoT Systems3
ISR-0368LIoT Systems LAB0
ISR-0369Design & Analysis of Algorithms3
ISR-0370Digital Control Systems3
ISR-0370LDigital Control Systems LAB 0
ISR-0371Digital Signal Processing3
ISR-0371LDigital Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0372Biomedical Signal Processing3
ISR-0372LBiomedical Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0373Industrial and Robotics Automation3
ISR-0374Deep Learning3
ISR-0374LDeep Learning LAB0
ISR-0375Computer Graphics3
ISR-0376Information Theory3
ISR-0375LComputer Graphics0
ISR-0376LInformation Theory LAB0
ISR-0377Data Science3
ISR-0377LData Science LAB0
ISR-0378Bio informatics3
ISR-0379Cognitive Robotics3
ISR-0380Image and Video Coding3
ISR-0380LImage and Video Coding LAB0
ISR-0382AI and Mobile Robots3
ISR-0383Introduction to Modeling and Simulation3
ISR-0384Big Data3
ISR-0385Advanced Robotics Systems3
ISR-0387Pattern Recognition3
ISR-0387LPattern Recognition LAB0
ENGL-0025Technical Writing3
ISR-0226Computer Vision3
ISR-0226LComputer Vision LAB0
ISR-0227Autonomous Systems and Smart Devices3
ISR-0386Optimization techniques3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
MATH-0014Differential Equations3
SOCI-0350Professional Ethics3
SOCI-0352Critical Thinking3
SOCI-0353Organizational Behavior3
SOCI-0354Professional Psychology3
MATH-0012Numerical Methods2
MATH-0012LNumerical Methods LAB0
COMP-0113Data Structures and Algorithms3
COMP-0113LData Structures and Algorithms LAB0
ELEN-0115Electronic Devices and Circuits3
ELEN-0115LElectronic Devices and Circuits LAB0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ISR-0116Introduction to Robotics3
ISR-0116LIntroduction to Robotics LAB0
COMP-0117Discrete Structures3
ELEN-0118Embedded Systems3
ELEN-0118LEmbedded Systems LAB0
ISR-0119Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3
ISR-0119LIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence LAB0
MATH-0120Probability and Random Variables3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
MGMT-0340Principles of Management3
MGMT-0341Principles of Economics3
MGMT-0342Total Quality Management3
MGMT-0343Project Management3
MGMT-0345Human Resource Management3
ISR-0221Computational Cognitive Sciences3
COMP-0222Operating Systems3
COMP-0222LOperating Systems LAB0
ISR-0223Introduction to Machine Learning3
ISR-0223LIntroduction to Machine Learning LAB0
ELEN-0124Control Systems3
ELEN-0124LControl Systems LAB0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ISR-0360Expert Systems3
ISR-0361Design of Digital Systems3
ISR-0361LDesign of Digital Systems LAB0
ISR-0362Robotics and Intelligent Systems3
ISR-0363Information Security & Cryptography 3
ISR-0364High Performance Computing3
ISR-0364LHigh Performance Computing LAB0
ISR-0365Digital Image Processing3
ISR-0365LDigital Image Processing LAB0
ISR-0366Graph Theory3
ISR-0366LGraph Theory LAB0
ISR-0367Software Engineering3
ISR-0368IoT Systems3
ISR-0368LIoT Systems LAB0
ISR-0369Design & Analysis of Algorithms3
ISR-0370Digital Control Systems3
ISR-0370LDigital Control Systems LAB 0
ISR-0371Digital Signal Processing3
ISR-0371LDigital Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0372Biomedical Signal Processing3
ISR-0372LBiomedical Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0373Industrial and Robotics Automation3
ISR-0374Deep Learning3
ISR-0374LDeep Learning LAB0
ISR-0375Computer Graphics3
ISR-0376Information Theory3
ISR-0375LComputer Graphics0
ISR-0376LInformation Theory LAB0
ISR-0377Data Science3
ISR-0377LData Science LAB0
ISR-0378Bio informatics3
ISR-0379Cognitive Robotics3
ISR-0380Image and Video Coding3
ISR-0380LImage and Video Coding LAB0
ISR-0382AI and Mobile Robots3
ISR-0383Introduction to Modeling and Simulation3
ISR-0384Big Data3
ISR-0385Advanced Robotics Systems3
ISR-0387Pattern Recognition3
ISR-0387LPattern Recognition LAB0
ENGL-0025Technical Writing3
ISR-0226Computer Vision3
ISR-0226LComputer Vision LAB0
ISR-0227Autonomous Systems and Smart Devices3
ISR-0386Optimization techniques3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ISR-0228Human Computer Interaction3
ISR-0029Senior Design Project – I0
SOCI-0350Professional Ethics3
SOCI-0352Critical Thinking3
SOCI-0353Organizational Behavior3
SOCI-0354Professional Psychology3
ISR-0360Expert Systems3
ISR-0361Design of Digital Systems3
ISR-0361LDesign of Digital Systems LAB0
ISR-0362Robotics and Intelligent Systems3
ISR-0363Information Security & Cryptography 3
ISR-0364High Performance Computing3
ISR-0364LHigh Performance Computing LAB0
ISR-0365Digital Image Processing3
ISR-0365LDigital Image Processing LAB0
ISR-0366Graph Theory3
ISR-0366LGraph Theory LAB0
ISR-0367Software Engineering3
ISR-0368IoT Systems3
ISR-0368LIoT Systems LAB0
ISR-0369Design & Analysis of Algorithms3
ISR-0370Digital Control Systems3
ISR-0370LDigital Control Systems LAB 0
ISR-0371Digital Signal Processing3
ISR-0371LDigital Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0372Biomedical Signal Processing3
ISR-0372LBiomedical Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0373Industrial and Robotics Automation3
ISR-0374Deep Learning3
ISR-0374LDeep Learning LAB0
ISR-0375Computer Graphics3
ISR-0375LComputer Graphics0
ISR-0376Information Theory3
ISR-0376LInformation Theory LAB0
ISR-0377Data Science3
ISR-0377LData Science LAB0
ISR-0378Bio informatics3
ISR-0379Cognitive Robotics3
ISR-0380Image and Video Coding3
ISR-0380LImage and Video Coding LAB0
ISR-0382AI and Mobile Robots3
ISR-0383Introduction to Modeling and Simulation3
ISR-0384Big Data3
ISR-0385Advanced Robotics Systems3
ISR-0387Pattern Recognition3
ISR-0387LPattern Recognition LAB0
ISR-0386Optimization techniques3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ISR-0030Senior Design Project – II0
MGMT-0340Principles of Management3
MGMT-0341Principles of Economics3
MGMT-0342Total Quality Management3
MGMT-0343Project Management3
MGMT-0345Human Resource Management3
ISR-0360Expert Systems3
ISR-0361Design of Digital Systems3
ISR-0361LDesign of Digital Systems LAB0
ISR-0362Robotics and Intelligent Systems3
ISR-0363Information Security & Cryptography 3
ISR-0364High Performance Computing3
ISR-0364LHigh Performance Computing LAB0
ISR-0365Digital Image Processing3
ISR-0365LDigital Image Processing LAB0
ISR-0366Graph Theory3
ISR-0366LGraph Theory LAB0
ISR-0367Software Engineering3
ISR-0368IoT Systems3
ISR-0368LIoT Systems LAB0
ISR-0369Design & Analysis of Algorithms3
ISR-0370Digital Control Systems3
ISR-0370LDigital Control Systems LAB 0
ISR-0371Digital Signal Processing3
ISR-0371LDigital Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0372Biomedical Signal Processing3
ISR-0372LBiomedical Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0373Industrial and Robotics Automation3
ISR-0374Deep Learning3
ISR-0374LDeep Learning LAB0
ISR-0375Computer Graphics3
ISR-0375LComputer Graphics0
ISR-0376Information Theory3
ISR-0376LInformation Theory LAB0
ISR-0377Data Science3
ISR-0377LData Science LAB0
ISR-0378Bio informatics3
ISR-0379Cognitive Robotics3
ISR-0380Image and Video Coding3
ISR-0380LImage and Video Coding LAB0
ISR-0382AI and Mobile Robots3
ISR-0383Introduction to Modeling and Simulation3
ISR-0384Big Data3
ISR-0385Advanced Robotics Systems3
ISR-0387Pattern Recognition3
ISR-0387LPattern Recognition LAB0
ISR-0386Optimization techniques3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ISR-0228Human Computer Interaction3
ISR-0029Senior Design Project – I0
SOCI-0350Professional Ethics3
SOCI-0352Critical Thinking3
SOCI-0353Organizational Behavior3
SOCI-0354Professional Psychology3
ISR-0360Expert Systems3
ISR-0361Design of Digital Systems3
ISR-0361LDesign of Digital Systems LAB0
ISR-0362Robotics and Intelligent Systems3
ISR-0363Information Security & Cryptography 3
ISR-0364High Performance Computing3
ISR-0364LHigh Performance Computing LAB0
ISR-0365Digital Image Processing3
ISR-0365LDigital Image Processing LAB0
ISR-0366Graph Theory3
ISR-0366LGraph Theory LAB0
ISR-0367Software Engineering3
ISR-0368IoT Systems3
ISR-0368LIoT Systems LAB0
ISR-0369Design & Analysis of Algorithms3
ISR-0370Digital Control Systems3
ISR-0370LDigital Control Systems LAB 0
ISR-0371Digital Signal Processing3
ISR-0371LDigital Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0372Biomedical Signal Processing3
ISR-0372LBiomedical Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0373Industrial and Robotics Automation3
ISR-0374Deep Learning3
ISR-0374LDeep Learning LAB0
ISR-0375Computer Graphics3
ISR-0375LComputer Graphics0
ISR-0376Information Theory3
ISR-0376LInformation Theory LAB0
ISR-0377Data Science3
ISR-0377LData Science LAB0
ISR-0378Bio informatics3
ISR-0379Cognitive Robotics3
ISR-0380Image and Video Coding3
ISR-0380LImage and Video Coding LAB0
ISR-0382AI and Mobile Robots3
ISR-0383Introduction to Modeling and Simulation3
ISR-0384Big Data3
ISR-0385Advanced Robotics Systems3
ISR-0387Pattern Recognition3
ISR-0387LPattern Recognition LAB0
ISR-0386Optimization techniques3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ISR-0030Senior Design Project – II0
MGMT-0340Principles of Management3
MGMT-0341Principles of Economics3
MGMT-0342Total Quality Management3
MGMT-0343Project Management3
MGMT-0345Human Resource Management3
ISR-0360Expert Systems3
ISR-0361Design of Digital Systems3
ISR-0361LDesign of Digital Systems LAB0
ISR-0362Robotics and Intelligent Systems3
ISR-0363Information Security & Cryptography 3
ISR-0364High Performance Computing3
ISR-0364LHigh Performance Computing LAB0
ISR-0365Digital Image Processing3
ISR-0365LDigital Image Processing LAB0
ISR-0366Graph Theory3
ISR-0366LGraph Theory LAB0
ISR-0367Software Engineering3
ISR-0368IoT Systems3
ISR-0368LIoT Systems LAB0
ISR-0369Design & Analysis of Algorithms3
ISR-0370Digital Control Systems3
ISR-0370LDigital Control Systems LAB 0
ISR-0371Digital Signal Processing3
ISR-0371LDigital Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0372Biomedical Signal Processing3
ISR-0372LBiomedical Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0373Industrial and Robotics Automation3
ISR-0374Deep Learning3
ISR-0374LDeep Learning LAB0
ISR-0375Computer Graphics3
ISR-0375LComputer Graphics0
ISR-0376Information Theory3
ISR-0376LInformation Theory LAB0
ISR-0377Data Science3
ISR-0377LData Science LAB0
ISR-0378Bio informatics3
ISR-0379Cognitive Robotics3
ISR-0380Image and Video Coding3
ISR-0380LImage and Video Coding LAB0
ISR-0382AI and Mobile Robots3
ISR-0383Introduction to Modeling and Simulation3
ISR-0384Big Data3
ISR-0385Advanced Robotics Systems3
ISR-0387Pattern Recognition3
ISR-0387LPattern Recognition LAB0
ISR-0386Optimization techniques3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ISR-0360Expert Systems3
ISR-0361Design of Digital Systems3
ISR-0361LDesign of Digital Systems LAB0
ISR-0362Robotics and Intelligent Systems3
ISR-0363Information Security & Cryptography 3
ISR-0364High Performance Computing3
ISR-0364LHigh Performance Computing LAB0
ISR-0365Digital Image Processing3
ISR-0365LDigital Image Processing LAB0
ISR-0366Graph Theory3
ISR-0366LGraph Theory LAB0
ISR-0367Software Engineering3
ISR-0368IoT Systems3
ISR-0368LIoT Systems LAB0
ISR-0369Design & Analysis of Algorithms3
ISR-0370Digital Control Systems3
ISR-0370LDigital Control Systems LAB 0
ISR-0371Digital Signal Processing3
ISR-0371LDigital Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0372Biomedical Signal Processing3
ISR-0372LBiomedical Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0373Industrial and Robotics Automation3
ISR-0374Deep Learning3
ISR-0374LDeep Learning LAB0
ISR-0375Computer Graphics3
ISR-0376Information Theory3
ISR-0375LComputer Graphics0
ISR-0376LInformation Theory LAB0
ISR-0377Data Science3
ISR-0377LData Science LAB0
ISR-0378Bio informatics3
ISR-0379Cognitive Robotics3
ISR-0380Image and Video Coding3
ISR-0380LImage and Video Coding LAB0
ISR-0382AI and Mobile Robots3
ISR-0383Introduction to Modeling and Simulation3
ISR-0384Big Data3
ISR-0385Advanced Robotics Systems3
ISR-0387Pattern Recognition3
ISR-0387LPattern Recognition LAB0
ENGL-0025Technical Writing3
ISR-0226Computer Vision3
ISR-0226LComputer Vision LAB0
ISR-0227Autonomous Systems and Smart Devices3
ISR-0386Optimization techniques3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ISR-0228Human Computer Interaction3
ISR-0029Senior Design Project – I0
SOCI-0350Professional Ethics3
SOCI-0352Critical Thinking3
SOCI-0353Organizational Behavior3
SOCI-0354Professional Psychology3
ISR-0360Expert Systems3
ISR-0361Design of Digital Systems3
ISR-0361LDesign of Digital Systems LAB0
ISR-0362Robotics and Intelligent Systems3
ISR-0363Information Security & Cryptography 3
ISR-0364High Performance Computing3
ISR-0364LHigh Performance Computing LAB0
ISR-0365Digital Image Processing3
ISR-0365LDigital Image Processing LAB0
ISR-0366Graph Theory3
ISR-0366LGraph Theory LAB0
ISR-0367Software Engineering3
ISR-0368IoT Systems3
ISR-0368LIoT Systems LAB0
ISR-0369Design & Analysis of Algorithms3
ISR-0370Digital Control Systems3
ISR-0370LDigital Control Systems LAB 0
ISR-0371Digital Signal Processing3
ISR-0371LDigital Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0372Biomedical Signal Processing3
ISR-0372LBiomedical Signal Processing LAB0
ISR-0373Industrial and Robotics Automation3
ISR-0374Deep Learning3
ISR-0374LDeep Learning LAB0
ISR-0375Computer Graphics3
ISR-0375LComputer Graphics0
ISR-0376Information Theory3
ISR-0376LInformation Theory LAB0
ISR-0377Data Science3
ISR-0377LData Science LAB0
ISR-0378Bio informatics3
ISR-0379Cognitive Robotics3
ISR-0380Image and Video Coding3
ISR-0380LImage and Video Coding LAB0
ISR-0382AI and Mobile Robots3
ISR-0383Introduction to Modeling and Simulation3
ISR-0384Big Data3
ISR-0385Advanced Robotics Systems3
ISR-0387Pattern Recognition3
ISR-0387LPattern Recognition LAB0
ISR-0386Optimization techniques3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
MATH-0014Differential Equations3
SOCI-0350Professional Ethics3
SOCI-0352Critical Thinking3
SOCI-0353Organizational Behavior3
SOCI-0354Professional Psychology3
MATH-0012Numerical Methods2
MATH-0012LNumerical Methods LAB0
COMP-0113Data Structures and Algorithms3
COMP-0113LData Structures and Algorithms LAB0
ELEN-0115Electronic Devices and Circuits3
ELEN-0115LElectronic Devices and Circuits LAB0

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