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BS Poultary Science


Course Description

Course Outline

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PSCI-01101Introduction to Poultry Science1
ANAT-01102Avian Anatomy1
BIOC-01103Elementary Biochemistry2
CSIT-00104Introduction to Computer Science & Information Technology2
ENG-00105English Comprehension3
MATH-00106Elementary Mathematics3
PSC-00107Pakistan Studies2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ABG-01202Introduction to Poultry Genetics2
ANAT-01203Basics of Avian Embryology1
NUTR-01204Fundamentals of Poultry Nutrition2
PHYS-01205Avian Physiology2
ENG-00206Communication Skills3
IST-00207Islamic Studies/Ethics2
PSCI-01201Biology of the Fowl1
SSH-00207Islamic Studies/Ethics3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PSCI-01301Incubation Principles and Hatchery Management3
PSCI-01302Game Bird Production3
ABG-01303Introductory Molecular Genetics3
NRUT-01304Metabolism of Primary Nutrients3
MICR-01305General Microbiology and Avian Immunology3
IST-00306Holy Quran Translation-I1
STAT-00307Biostatistics and Computer Application3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PSCI-01401Broiler Production and Management3
PSCI-01402Poultry Behaviour and Welfare3
PSCI-01403Poultry Hygiene and Disease Prevention3
ABG-01404Applied Poultry Breeding3
FMP-01405Poultry Farm Engineering and Construction3
NUTR-01406Mineral and Vitamin Metabolism2
IST-00407Holy Quran Translation-II1
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PSCI-01501Layer Production and Management3
PSCI-01502Poultry Processing3
PSCI-01503Egg Products Technology3
PSCI-01504Poultry Farm Practices3
FST-01505Basics of Food Safety2
NUTR-01506Principles of Poultry Nutrition3
PATH-01507Common Poultry Diseases3
IST-00508Holy Quran Translation-III1
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PSCI-01601Parent Flock Production and Management3
PSCI-01602Poultry Housing and Environmental Management3
PSCI-01603Further Poultry Processing3
PSCI-01603Further Poultry Processing3
PSCI-01604Quality Control Management in Poultry Operations3
MAB-01605Poultry Marketing and Risk Management3
NUTR-01606Feed Formulation and Processing Technology3
PATH-01607Poultry Meat Inspection2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PSCI-01701Record Keeping in Poultry Production2
PSCI-01702Production of Organic and Free- range Poultry3
PSCI-01703Occupational Safety and Health in Poultry Production2
PSCI-01704Environmental Awareness and Poultry Waste Management2
ABG-01705Conservation and Development of Indigenous Poultry Resources2
NUTR-01706Feed Mill Management3
MED-01707Introduction to Poultry Medicine3
IST-00708Holy Quran Translation-IV1
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours

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