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BS Physical Education & Sports Sciences(M)


Course Description

Course Outline

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PEDU-00101English I (Compulsory1)3
PEDU-00102Pakistan Studies (Compulsory 2)2
PEDU-00103Mathematics I (Compulsory 3)3
PEDU-01104Philosophical Basis of Physical Education (Foundation 1) (Th3
PEDU-02105Games Practical -I (Volleyball)0
PEDU-02106Athletics Practical -I (Spring Races)0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PEDU-00211English II (Compulsory 4)3
PEDU-00212Islamic Studies / Ethics (Compulsory 5)2
PEDU-00213Introduction to Education / Univ. Optional (Compulsory 6)3
PEDU-03214Introduction to Psychology (General 2)3
PEDU-01215Science of Track and Field (Foundation 2)3
PEDU-02216Games Practical-II (Football)0
PEDU-02217Athletics Practical-II (Middle and Long Distance Races)0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PEDU-00321English III (Compulsory 7)3
PEDU-00322Introduction to Computer Applications in Sports (Compulsory1
PEDU-03323Introduction to Psychology (General 2) (Theory)3
PEDU-03324Theory of Games (General 3) (Theory)3
PEDU-02325-LGames Practical-III (Basketball)0
PEDU-02326Athletics Practical-III (Throws)0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PEDU-00431Introduction to Social Work / Univ. Optional (Compulsory 9)3
PEDU-02432Sports Psychology (Theory)3
PEDU-03433Economics (General 4)2
PEDU-01434Administration and Management in Sports (Foundation 4)3
PEDU-02435Games Practical-IV (Badminton)0
PEDU-02436Athletics Practical-IV (Jumps)0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PEDU-02541Science of Sports Training (Major 1)3
PEDU-03542Physical Education for Special Population (Elective-1)3
PEDU-02543Sports Nutrition (Major 2)3
PEDU-03544Science of Human Movement Education (General 5)2
PEDU-02545-LGames Practical(Hockey)0
PEDU-02546Scouting (Roaring) / Girl Guiding1
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PEDU-02651Research Methodology in Physical Education (Major 3)3
PEDU-02652Test, Measurement & Evaluation in Phy. Edu. & Sports (Major 3
PEDU-02653Sports Sociology (Major 5)3
PEDU-02654Sports Bio-Mechanics (Foundation 5)2
PEDU-02655-LGames Practical (Table Tennis)2
PEDU-02656Netball for Girls/Swimming for Boys0
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PEDU-02761Sports Injuries, Treatment & Rehabilitation (Major 6)3
PEDU-02762Exercise Physiology (Major 7)3
PEDU-02763Scientific Sports Coaching (Foundation 6)2
PEDU-03764Specialization in One Game3
PEDU-02765Development of Research Proposal3
PEDU-02766Physical Efficiency Test3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PEDU-02871Sports Medicine (Major 8)3
PEDU-01872Administration and Management in Sports (Foundation 4) (Theo3
PEDU-02873Research Thesis/Research Project4
PEDU-02874-LGymnastic (Practical)2
PEDU-02875Recreation, Hiking & Hill Trekking3
PEDU-02876Recreation, Hiking & Hill Trekking (Theory + Practical)2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PEDU-00321English III (Compulsory 7)3
PEDU-00322Introduction to Computer Applications in Sports (Compulsory1
PEDU-03323Introduction to Psychology (General 2) (Theory)3
PEDU-03324Theory of Games (General 3) (Theory)3
PEDU-02325-LGames Practical-III (Basketball)0
PEDU-02326Athletics Practical-III (Throws)0

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