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Student Survey

Dear Students,

With reference to HEC’s COVID-19 Policy Guidance no. 5: Online Readiness, and letter from the Quality Assurance Agency, Quality Enhancement Cell IUB along with the help of Directorate of IT have to monitor as well as assess  the quality of online courses and online readiness of DAI.
As per directions of worthy Vice Chancellor you all are requested to fill the attached survey form for the assessment of the internet connectivity and complete/submit it by 13 May 2020.
It would be mandatory for all the students to fill the FORM.

Your kind cooperation in this regard is appreciated.

Prof. Dr. Saeed Ahmad Buzdar,
Director QEC

Mr. Rizwan Majeed,
Director IT

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

© 2023 The Islamia University of Bahawalpur iub.edu.pk.