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Department of English Linguistics

In the modern global village, technology and information are redefining human interactions on the Earth.  Newer modes of language and communication are shaping and reshaping identities, cultures, narratives and discourses globally; linguistics, being 'Science of language', offers insights and instruments to effectively understand dynamics of communication in the current Digital Age. The Department of English Linguistics at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur offers dynamic programs to fulfill language learning needs of the learners in Pakistan.

The department offers BS English Linguistics, M.Phil. English Linguistics and Ph.D. English Linguistics. The department also offers Diploma in TEFL and short courses on interactive English for all. While designing the syllabi of our programs, we have tried to blend the theoretical concepts of language with their practical applications. Our graduate and undergraduate programs help equip students with the necessary linguistic, research and IT skills that are needed for a successful future. Dovetailing the time-tested traditions of the English Language Teaching with the changing needs of the Pakistani multilingual society, the Department is working to revolutionize language teaching in Pakistan.  The academic activities of the Department include lectures, discussions, assignments, presentations, projects, periodical seminars, workshops, study tours, conferences and research. 

The faculty of the Department organized international conferences, seminars, webinars and workshops on Linguistics in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021. Over the years, international researchers from USA, Europe, Turkey, Central Asia, Middle East, Thailand and Indonesia have participated in our academic events. The faculty of the department publishes Journal of Linguistics and Literature. Our faculty has research specializations in Applied Linguistics, ELT, Discourse Analysis Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Language Acquisition, Multiple Intelligence and Role of Emotional Intelligence in teaching and learning a language. The faculty of Linguistics at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur has produced more than 35 PhDs in the field of linguistics. Our students show brilliant performance and our alumni are serving in civil services, contributing as journalists in English dailies, imparting training as master trainers, teaching at the prestigious colleges and universities of the country, working as freelancers and studying abroad for the sake of higher studies.


Our Programs

The department offers BS English Language, MA English Linguistics, M.Phil. English Linguistics and Ph.D. English Linguistics. The department also offers Diploma in TEFL and short courses on interactive English for all.

Our graduate and undergraduate programs help equip students with the necessary linguistic, research and IT skills that are needed for a successful future. Dovetailing the time-tested traditions of the English Language Teaching with the changing needs of the Pakistani multilingual society, the department is working to revolutionize language teaching in Pakistan. 

While designing the syllabi of our programs, we have tried to blend the theoretical concepts of language with their practical applications. Subjects like Creative Writing, Critical Thinking, Communication & Presentation Skills, Academic Reading & Writing Skills and Research Report Writing will enhance the individuals’ proficiency in English Language. On the other hand, Phonetics and Phonology, Semantics, Syntax and Lexical studies will cultivate the core knowledge of the subject. Corpus Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Clinical Linguistics, Forensic Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics will encompass the multidimensional perspectives of the field. While ELT, EAP, TEFL, ESP and ESL will encourage the students to develop underlying principles of language teaching. In addition to these, Language and Gender, Translation Skills, Pragmatics, Critical Discourse Analysis and Stylistics will polish the analytical approach of the students.

Curricular & co-curricular activities at the Department

The academic activities of the Department include lectures, discussions, assignments, presentations, projects, periodical seminars, workshops, study tours, conferences and research. The faculty of the department organized HEC-funded international conferences, seminars and workshops on Linguistics in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020. Over the years, international researchers from USA, Europe, Turkey, Central Asia, Middle East, Thailand and Indonesia have participated in our academic events. The faculty of the department publishes Journal of Linguistics and Literature. This is why, our asset is our highly dedicated, focused and qualified faculty.  Nourishing the nature and nurturing the co-curricular activities are the integral parts of the studies.  While cognitive skills are enriched by speech contests and declamations, trips and sports are arranged for the physical fitness and development of cultural competence among the students.

Our Faculty

Our faculty has research specializations in Applied Linguistics, ELT, Discourse Analysis Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Language Acquisition, Multiple Intelligences and Role of Emotional Intelligence in teaching and learning a language. The faculty of Linguistics at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur has produced more than 35 PhDs in the field of linguistics.

Our Students

Our students show brilliant performance and our alumni are serving in civil services, contributing as journalists in English dailies, imparting training as master trainers, teaching at the prestigious colleges and universities of the country and studying abroad for the sake of higher studies.

Why study at Our Department?

  1. Develop Communicative Competence
  2. Become intellectually sound & Professionally skilled
  3. Become First-rated citizen of the Global Village
  4. Utilize international research forums (conferences & journals)
  5. Benefit from PhD faculty

Job Prospects:

  1. Civil management services
  2. Provincial management services
  3. ELT jobs in Pakistan & Middle East
  4. Teacher Training
  5. Literacy Programs
  6. Testing Agencies
  7. Forensic Departments
  8. Lexicography
  9. E-business journalism
  10. Content Writing / Freelancing,
  11. Vocabulary resource management
  12. Advertising agencies
  13. Translation and Editing

We look forward to reading your application and welcoming you at our department.






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