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Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition is the science that deals with food and its components in relation to human body whereas Dietetics is the practical application of this scientific knowledge for improving and maintaining human health. Both Nutrition and Dietetics are well established disciplines in the developed world and are significantly contributing towards better human health. The role of nutrition (dietetics) in the prevention and management of diseases is largely un-explored due to the nonexistence of this vital discipline in the country. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur is committed to excellence in teaching and research and continuously review and develop new courses in accordance with future requirement.  Keeping in view the core significance and vast scope, the Faculty of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences   started offering 4 years degree program “B.S. (Hons.) Human Nutrition & Dietetics” in 2020 (Morning/Evening).

This degree program enables the students to excel professionally in the field through meeting today’s market requirements. The students after graduation will be able to demonstrate their expertise in multiple fields, which include but not limited to:

  1. The graduates in the hospitals providing medical nutrition therapy and nutritional counselling to the indoor and outdoor patients.
  2. Nutritionists, providing nutritional counselling to the healthy segment of the population regarding lifestyle changes and development of healthy eating patterns.
  3. Community nutritionists working with different national and international organizations imparting nutrition education and awareness regarding healthy eating habits in the rural areas for the prevention of nutritional diseases and promotion of health.
  4. Consultants in the field of nutrition & dietetics for public & private sector organizations dealing in food & nutrition supplements.
  5. Nutritionists in food & drug industries especially dealing in therapeutic foods and supplements.
  6. Nutrition supervisors in basic health units in different districts of Punjab.
  7. Nutrition officers in the nutrition wing of the Health Department.
  8. Researchers in research organizations to conduct research in nutrition & dietetics with special reference to health outcome of healthy individuals & patients.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akhtar


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