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Department of Information Management

The Department of Library and Information Science was established in the year 1983 to impart library and information science education at post-graduate level. The objective of the department is to provide opportunity for library education and training at university level to the students of Southern Punjab where no other library school existed at that time. Library & Information Science is based on multi-disciplinary field and has become a dynamic area of study in recent years due to the emergence of ICTs and digital tools which are used for information management, discovery and sharing. Due to digital technology the nature and form of information has become more complex and dynamic. Since 2007, it is also offering two more programs namely, BS four year and two years MPhil. The department is also offering PhD program since 2013. 

The Department is one of the premier institutions of the country having highly qualified faculty members actively engaged in research and development activities. During the last 37 years the Department has produced a great number of graduates who are serving as chief executives, faculty members and librarians within the country as well as abroad. We are devoted and committed to produce confident, dedicated and enthusiastic professionals to face and address the contemporary challenges of information discovery and delivery services to carry out the management of information, knowledge and libraries.





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