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Department of Information Technology

The Department of Information technology (DIT) is committed to achieve the highest national and international standard and encourages students to optimize their skills and potentials to solve contemporary problems of Information Technology. Thus, seeking and disseminating knowledge has been our priority since the time of inception. DIT provides a tremendous learning and research environment through its highly qualified faculty and research groups working in the areas of Information Technology such as Networking and Security, Databases, Data Mining, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Parallel Computing, Software Engineering, and Computer Vision and Graphics and many more. BSIT, MS and PhD programs at DIT provide solid theoretical foundations by offering the latest courses designed by leading experts in the field of IT. The students are also exposed to the latest research ideas through innovative technologies and theoretical knowledge of the subject. The objective of MS and PhD programs is to produce researchers as well as well-equipped research scholars  with necessary body of knowledge and techniques that will enable them to successfully solve a broad set of scientific computing problems while serving in IT industry.


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