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Department of Islamic and Conventional Banking

Established recently at the School of Business, Management & Administrative Sciences (SBM&AS), ICB aims to develop globally competitive leaders in Islamic and commercial banking, to spark innovation and advance the industrys position. Through our specialised academic programs, customised executive education and applied industrial research, ICBs vision is to lead the way in the realm of studies on financial sector, especially Islamic and commercial banks. Collaborating with international partners from multiple verticals in Pakistan and around the world, ICB continues to aspire to create and support programs that embody the core principles of socioeconomic empowerment, financial inclusion and an equitable financial system. In alignment with this shared mission, ICB has contributed to socially beneficial policy changes by participating in initiatives that rely on Islamic Social Finance, Responsible and Sustainable Finance in the context of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Central Banks Value Intermediation Framework.

Practice based curriculum

Our curriculum is centered on innovation and leadership within the industry, bridging the gap between academic theory and the practical industry operations.

Widespread Alumni network in Pakistan

With hundreds of graduates placed at esteemed banking companies of Pakistan, ICB enjoys a healthy and strong linkage with industry professionals.

International Outreach

With our international collaborations and alumni present all over the world, we aspire to relish and capitalize on resources offered by international academic institutions in Islamic & Conventional Finance

Network with industry experts

In addition to attending regular classes and tutorials, students will get the opportunity to interact with seasoned leaders and industry speakers guest speaker sessions conducted on the practical aspects of Islamic and Conventional Finance.

Global standard curriculum

Similar to economy, our curriculum also transcends global boundaries. Our programs bring current global business practices in industry of financial services to bear on aspirations on students of banking and finance. Our highly qualified faculty uses international business case delivery approach to hone leadership and management skills of our students.

ICB offers the following two specializations

Specialization in Islamic Banking

The Islamic banking and finance (IBF) industry has demonstrated a substantial growth since the beginning of the century with the expanding product offerings and emergence of markets such as the Sukuk market. Today, more than 500 IBF institutions are operating worldwide, which are claimed to manage assets worth no less than US$2.5 trillion, while the assets held in IBF institutions were only less than $10 billion in 1985.

As a result of these exciting developments, financiers and bankers working in the field or those who wish to enter the Islamic financial market need to be aware of and trained in the principles, operations, techniques and mechanism of Islamic finance and financial products as well as the dynamics of Islamic financial, capital and money markets.

Our program offers specialization in Islamic Banking with cutting edge research and teaching initiatives offering knowledge and skills necessary to cater to the industry of Islamic Finance.

Specialization in Banking & Finance

As banks change the scope and scale of their operations, previously marginal risks may come to the fore. The risks from complexity may decline, but new risks from concentration can become more prominent. Perhaps most importantly, strategic choices resulting in increased specialization (whether an intentional outcome or not) may have consequences for banksability to generate consistent performance by reducing the diversity of their income streams.

Our program offers specialization in Banking and Finance imparting practice-based learning to individuals, transforming them in to graduates who understand these considerations for bank management, likely risks flowing from specialization, and be instrumental in actions banks might take to mitigate these risks.



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