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Department of Language Education

The English language has spread to every corner of the globe and become part and parcel of every existing field. Today, the English language is used as a Lingua Franca by more than a billion people around the globe. It is becoming the world's language: the language of the Internet, the media, higher education, information technology, business, science, research, international flight and the pathway of global communication and global access to knowledge. There is an ever-growing demand for teachers trained to teach the English language not only in Pakistan but also all over the world. It has become the nexus for people to connect with each other in countless ways. Indeed, English is much more than a language: it is a bridge across borders and cultures, a source of unity in a rapidly changing world. Language allows us to share our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others. It has the power to build communities. We communicate through language in the world, define our identity, express our history and culture, learn, defend our human rights and participate in all aspects of society. Through language, people preserve their community’s history, customs and traditions, memory, unique modes of thinking, meaning and expression. They also use it to construct their future. Language is pivotal in the areas of human rights protection, good governance, peace building, reconciliation, and sustainable development.

Keeping in view the importance of English Language in education, the Department of Language Education was established in the Faculty of Education in 2020. The main focus of the department is to enhance the learners’ language skills and competencies for teaching the English language at various levels.

Department of Language Education equips the participants with the linguistic and pedagogic knowledge needed for teaching a language. The Department aims to provide tools and resources to those who are needed to develop knowledge of various areas of the English language teaching. It also provides them an understanding of the basic concepts in language. It develops participants’ knowledge about language. The programs help participants to develop an insight into current issues and key trends in second language learning and teaching in diversified ranges of contexts. Thus, there is a need to connect English language education to an understanding of global current issues in education theoretically and practically. The Department of Language Education mainly addresses important issues related to the English languageteaching.


To achieve high-quality academic distinction in teaching, training and conducting research in English language teaching and linguistics at local, regional and national levels.





The Department of Language Education aspires to promote competence in prospective English language teachers with crucially practical skills, content knowledge and research methods in English language and linguistics. The Department aims to provide its students with stimulating and dynamic opportunities to be well-equipped to compete in the job market, advance scholarly research in various directions, fulfil more specialized academic endeavors and pursuits, and serve the community.



The Department of Language Education sees its role as a leader in the field of the English language education and be seen as a platform for producing competent teachers and quality teaching, and aiming at continuous improvements. It intends to prepare educators who will fulfil their academic and professional needs as well.

The department has ambitions to support and encourage students of diverse abilities to become competent teachers of English. The teaching faculty endeavours to impart knowledge and skills to their students based on the best educational and technological initiatives. They focus on the individual and collective potential of the learners to understand concepts in the English language and express them in both speech and writing with greater accuracy and fluency. In addition, the department aims to

  • Produce quality English language teachers.
  • Equip English language teachers with latest teaching pedagogies and practices.
  • Encourage scholars to engage in developing resources for effective English language teaching and learning methodologies.
  • Provide scholars with the tools to carry out advanced research in the ELT contexts.
  • Enable students to develop knowledge in English language and linguistics.
  • Enable students to acquire language and linguistic skills needed in the job market.
  • Develop students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Promote students’ learning skills through classroom work, extracurricular activities and teaching practice.
  • Enable students to communicate efficiently in spoken and written discourse.



Currently, the department is offering BS English Language Teaching and Linguistics (ELTL). BS ELTL is a 4-year degree program designed to facilitate academic and professional development of those who aspire to teach English as a second language in Pakistan or abroad at school, college and university level.



The Department of Language Education is planning to offer M.Phil English Language Teaching and PhD English Language Teachingin the near future in order to produce qualified teachers to teach English as a second language in Pakistan.


The courses are designed for English language education professionals who wish to remain practitioners of various kinds, so the academic continuum of the course leads from research and scholarship back into practice. The courses offer students various opportunities to carry out educational research in ways intended to enhance their own professional development and to enable them to contribute to innovation in their work environment.The programs offer students the opportunity to acquire knowledge and understanding in selected areas of the English language teaching. The broad range of subjects includes core courses such as English language teaching, language teaching and assessment, and pedagogical grammar in ELT. The courses offer students various opportunities to carry out educational research in ways intended to enhance their own professional development and to enable them to contribute to innovation in their work environment. The students are encouraged to apply their knowledge of the theories learnt during the course of their study to research projects for continuous assessment. The main aim of the Department of Language Education is to provide basic education in the nature of human language and linguistic theory and to train graduate students as linguists and as researchers in the major areas of ELT.


After completing the degrees, the graduates will be able to get multifarious opportunities to serve as English teachers at school, college and university level. Furthermore, they will be able to work as master trainers in the area of English language teaching, content writers and reviewers of various journals. In addition to this, our graduates would be able get good jobs in various organizations such as civil management services, provincial management services, testing agencies, and advertising agencies etc.


We have foreign qualified faculty with the specialization of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and English language education. We have organized and attended various seminars and conferences at national and international level. 


The department has planned numerous co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for the students such as debates, English speech competitions, English easy writing competitions, quizzes and short and long study tours to enhance their educational and research skills. The department has also planned to organize seminars, workshops, and conferences to enhance the students’ exposure in research.


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