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Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

University College of veterinary and animal sciences was established in 2006 in The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. As a major subject, Pharmacology and toxicology was taught in DVM semesters as per the course curriculum approved by the PVMC. The college has been upgraded to the faculty of veterinary and animal sciences in 2020 and a separate Department of pharmacology and toxicology has been established.

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology includes lecture theatres, one laboratory for practical lecture, pharmacy laboratory and chemical storage unit with trained laboratory staff. In DVM, the main topics are General pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, systemic pharmacology and therapeutics, toxicology and chemotherapy, pharmacological basis of therapeutics, general toxicology, clinical veterinary pharmacology and toxicology, carcinogenesis, poisoning, antimicrobial resistance, drug residues and food toxicology. We provide research-based and problem-oriented teaching in multiple areas of pharmacology and toxicology. While doing so, efforts have been made to provide adequate, balanced & advanced information on the subject which is helpful for understanding the subject and preparation of viva voce.

Our mission

The academic objectives of the department are to facilitate basic and applied education to professional students in various disciplines.The mission of our department is to provide excellent basic education in pharmacology/ toxicology and offer a high-quality consulting service in animal pharmacotherapy/ poisoning.

Chairman, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology,

Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, 63100-Pakistan

(Baghdad ul jaded Campus)


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