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Department of Pharmacy

The Department of Pharmacy was established at Khawaja Farid Campus in 1990 and admitted its first group of twenty students in 1991 for four year B. Pharmacy degree, which was upgraded to five year degree program, Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) in 2003.

The Department offered higher degree program in MPhil (Pharmaceutics) in 2002 and MPhil in (Pharmacology / Pharmaceutical Chemistry) in 2009, while PhD program in Pharmaceutics was started in 2007.

The Department of Pharmacy consists of four disciplines: Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy. Our main aim is to equip the students with contemporary knowledge and education through meticulous class work, practical work in laboratories and apprenticeship training. The plant collection tour in second professional is a part of students� awareness regarding the identification and cultivation of various plants of medicinal value. The industrial tour in the fourth professional helps the students to understand and comprehend technical manufacturing stages in the production and quality control of pharmaceutical and allied products. We are working in close collaboration with Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur and other Departments of the University. The Library at Khawaja Farid Campus has an adequate collection of latest reference books.

Multiple job opportunities are available for the graduates in Public and Private Sectors in the fields of teaching, drugs inspection / analysis, drugs manufacturing and marketing.  

News & Events

Sports Day

Chairman, Department of Pharmacy Presented a Paper in a International Conference and Visited the University in Singapore

Faculty Members


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