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Department of Public Policy and Governance

The Department of Public Policy & Governance at Usman Buzdar School of State Sciences, the Islamia university of Bahawalpur cultivates the next generation of leaders and analysts dedicated to crafting effective public policy. Our rigorous Bachelor of Science (BS) degree program equips students with the theoretical foundation, analytical toolkit, and critical thinking skills to address the most pressing challenges facing communities today.
Over four years, our program fosters a deep understanding of policy analysis, governance structures, and contemporary societal issues. Students gain proficiency in:
Core Disciplines: A comprehensive curriculum establishes a foundation in public policy, political science, economics and public administration. This grounding provides a thorough understanding of the political and economic context within which policies are formulated.
Policy Analysis Expertise: Dedicated coursework hones students' analytical skills. They learn to dissect complex policy issues, identify stakeholders, evaluate potential solutions, and craft well-reasoned recommendations. This skillset is highly valued by government agencies, non-profit organizations, and research institutions.
Governance Frameworks: Students explore diverse governance models, leadership styles, and the influence of institutions on policy development. This comprehensive perspective fosters a nuanced understanding of decision-making across local, national, and international levels.
Research & Communication: Students develop the ability to conduct rigorous research, analyze data effectively, and communicate their findings with clarity and precision. These skills are essential for success in any public policy career path.
Real-World Application: Internship opportunities with government agencies, non-profit organizations, or research institutions allow students to apply their knowledge in practical settings. These experiences provide invaluable exposure to the field and facilitate professional networking.
Graduates of our program will emerge as well-rounded public policy professionals prepared for impactful careers in government service, policy analysis, advocacy, or further graduate studies. They will possess the knowledge and skills to navigate complex challenges, develop innovative solutions, and make a lasting contribution to society.
We invite you to explore the exciting possibilities that await within the Department of Public Policy & Governance. Join us in shaping a brighter future through informed and effective public policy.

Programs Offered:
BS Public Policy and Governance (4 Years)
ADP Public Policy and Governance (2 Years)
BS Public Policy and Governance – Semester 5-8 (2 Years)

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