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Department of Software Engineering

Software is the most important part of all modern technologies. All the modern devices (i.e. computers, mobiles, tablets, smart televisions, servers etc.) run on software. There is safety-critical software that runs on modern airplanes, trains, subways, buses, cars, spacecraft, satellites, fighter-jets, ships, submarines etc. We are dependent on software in our daily lives.

It is important to design and construct high quality software. All the systematic, disciplined, and quantifiable approaches to the development, operation, and maintenance of software come into the domain of software engineering.


The department of Software Engineering offers degree programs, i.e. BS and MS in Software Engineering to fulfill the needs of rapidly growing demand of software development in the national and international market.

The BS in Software Engineering degree equips students with theoretical as well as technical knowledge of the fundamentals of software engineering, computer systems, algorithm analysis, data structures, programming languages, web development, and mobile application development.


There are courses in Software Quality Assurance in order to ensure software correctness, reliability and safety, with the goal to produce high-quality software.

Courses in Software Requirement Engineering, Software Design and Architecture, Software Construction and Development, Software Verification and Validation, Formal Methods in Software Engineering, Agile Software Development, Empirical Software Engineering, Software Testing, and Software Reverse Engineering equip students with the theoretical foundation and technical knowledge of software development.


The course emphasizes the development of professional skills in the technical area of software engineering, that is, the systematic application of analysis, design, and construction techniques for software systems.


The objective of the program is to prepare students for professional careers in software engineering.






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