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Department of Statistics

Statistics is the science of making decisions in the presence of variability and uncertainty. Statistical methodologies are used over a broad spectrum of industrial, agricultural, medical, educational, business research and government policy decisions. The graduates of Statistics can find jobs in different fields such as: lecturer (college and university level), subject specialist, statistical officer and statistical assistant (agriculture, health, Bureaus of Statistics, State Bank of Pakistan, insurance companies, and other research organizations), research assistant, quality control officer and research officer. In general, where there is data (available), statistical tools are necessary to extract useful information from it. The subject statistics is useful in almost all disciplines and every field of life.
The Department of Statistics in Islamia University of Bahawalpur was established in 1976, and nowadays offering BS (4-years), MPhil & PhD degrees. The MPhil & PhD in Statistics are being offered in applied and theoretical statistics providing modern statistical thinking and applications of statistical methodologies. The research is being conducted in the fields of distribution theory, designing of experiments, reliability and survival analysis, quality control methods, regression modeling, social and applied statistics. 





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