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Department of Urdu

The Department of Urdu is one of the oldest departments of the university which was established in 1976. Since 1987, the department has produced 75 PhDs and 252 MPhils. Currently, 26 PhD and 96 MPhil scholars are doing their research work. A departmental library is also available for research scholars and students. The Department of Urdu encourages co-curricular activities to highlight talents of the students, under which a society named Majlis-e-Iqbal has been established in 1980. Literary programs are organized by Majlis-e-Iqbal in which students as well as poets and intellectuals participate. Sports days and long & shorts informative trips are among the significant events of the department.  A bi-annual research journal named MATAN is also published by the Urdu Department. The third issue was uploaded in June 2021 and has been sent to HEC for approval of its inclusion in Y category. In addition, the department is launching a series of publications under which two books are being published. Alumni of the department are serving on various prominent positions within the country.


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